Category Archives: What’s Happening

Speech and Language Therapy Training Calendar


Click on the link to find enclosed the most recent Speech and Language Therapy Training Calendar.  The sessions will cover:

Picture Exchange

Making Communication Passports

Makaton Taster

These sessions are very useful and support all of the approaches that we use in school to develop your child’s communication and language skills.

Food Bank

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Arran Class visited Cunninghame House today to drop off remaining items for the North Ayrshire Food Bank.  Planned curricular work in the context of Ethos and Life of the school this term included; ASDAN Citizenship. The pupils have been gathering and sorting food items for the local charity.  They dropped off a large amount of items last week but some food items continued to arrive this week so the class made arrangements to drop them at Cunninghame House.

A special visitor, our very own Chief Executive, Mrs Elma Murray received the food items from J McD at Cunninghame House.  Due to appalling weather and shortage of time the remainder of young people had to stay on the bus however that did not prevent the Chief Executive from going out to the bus to thank the children and have her photograph taken with them.

Well done Arran class for your hard work.  Thank you to all of the staff, parents and carers who supported this worthwhile cause.

Magic Carpet

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What a lovely time we had this afternoon.  We welcomed Provost Clarkson, Mr and Mrs Dickson and fellow Rotarians along to see our Magic Carpet.  Mr and Mrs Dickson had kindly donated £4000 towards the £8000 cost from Mr Dickson’s late brother’s estate.  He had worked in supporting children and young people with disabilities through the use of art and movement.  Following a speech given by myself at a Rotary Club Dinner, Mr Dickson approached the school with the kind offer to meet half of the funds in advance of the new school session.  We can honestly say that it has been a fabulous learning resource and enriched children and young peoples’ experiences.  Click on the link below to see further  photographs of the children and young people accessing and using the Magic Carpet.


Please note you will require Microsoft Office to run the powerpoint.



Unfortunately we have had a few incidents of children and young people suffering from a sickness but.  To this end, as an extra precaution we are being extra vigilant about our hygiene procedures.  It would be helpful also if parents took into consideration the attached guidance and should your child be affected, please do not send them into school for at least 48 hours from their last episode of being sick.

Many Thanks.