Category Archives: Lewis class

Alternative Means of Communication Meeting

Hello everyone!

Anne and I are looking forward to meeting you at our first Communication Hub meeting tomorrow afternoon at 1.30p.m. in the Pink Room. Tea, coffee and munchies will be provided!

Please come armed with lots of questions for us and we’ll do our best to provide you with some answers to, hopefully, help you and our wonderful children. 😊




Everyone in Lewis class would like to welcome our new pupil KF and his family to our class and school. Our 1st week back after the holidays has been a very busy one with lots of fun and excitement, we have had a visit from Zoo Ed, Room On The Broom story and friendly animals and insects which we enjoyed meeting. We have been enjoying having PE outside in the sun with the bikes and fun in the mud kitchen stirring and mixing lots of tasty potions.

Making a racket

It was our last sports session before the October break and we got to try our hand at four different activities. We were balancing/tossing beanbags on a tennis racket, shooting some hoops at basketball, taking aim and trying to roll our boccia balls in a hoop and finally emptying a basket full of balls as fast as we can!! Everyone was fully involved in all activities and we all had a great time. Happy holidays!!!!!

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah in Mull class

After Jura classes’ Rosh Hashanah assembly, the pupils of mull class thought they would get in on the act and try their hand at making a traditional Jewish treat. So we bought some apples, some bread and most importantly some sticky honey. All the pupils did well cutting, chopping and drizzling, but one girl in particular enjoyed getting hands on with the honey, in what was a great sensory experience (see video below). Wishing everyone a happy Rosh Hashanah. Mazel tov!!!!!!!

Pizza/pasta food programme

Its Monday. Its 12.15pm. That can only mean one thing in mull class. Pizza/pasta food programme time. There was great looking, smelling, touching and tasting by all the pupils but especially CI. She enjoyed both the pizza and the pasta, and then insisted on seconds!! In fact she made food programme look like a pizza cake (sorry). Well done to our stars in Mull class. Ciao.

Mucking in for Marymass

Mull class pupils enjoyed a variety of different activities this week ranging from the Gruffalo to Marymass. KR, SS, LM, CI and CH all got hands on with preparing our Marymass wall display, cutting, gluing, painting and glittering paper flowers for the display. After all that hard work we were enjoying relaxing in the pink room, exploring the different books and finally sitting down and listening to the story of the Gruffalo.



Bute class in Arran

We arrived safely at Arran outdoor centre. Unpacked and met with staff to discuss plans for the week. After lunch (all pupils ate well) we headed out for a rather wet walk .  The rain did not dampen our spirits , boys all did a 5 mile walk and RB had a lovely walk with girls.  We are now having a 15 min rest in conservatory before we head off to dinner .