Canteen Online Ordering

A letter has gone home regarding school meals and ordering food from our canteen.

From now, canteen break and lunch should be ordered online through the links posted here:

KGS Links

Orders close at 0845 for the day. Paper copies will be available from the office for those without online access. However, this measure is to increase COVID safety so please dotry to  order online as it cuts down on shared paper and unecessary contact between pupils and staff.

The link will change on Friday at 4pm to show options for the following week.

Mrs Bain


European Day of Languages

  • European Day of Languages: EU countries fact hunt:

Hunt for facts through the school. One country poster by classroom. Take a photo from the poster, read the fact through and fill in the quiz form during break, lunch time or at home.

If you don’t have one, please see either Mrs Begou or Mrs Bayliss.

This competition runs from Monday 21 September until Friday 2 October included

European facts hunt – EDL

  • European Day of Languages: Duolingo competition:

Please enter the code you find on the poster displayed around the school to enter the competition.

This competition runs from Monday 21 September until Friday 2 October. Open to all pupils and staff.

Prizes to win.

How to join a Duolingo class:

  1. Sign into Duolingo
  2. Go to the settings page for your account.
  3. Go to the progress sharing tab. (under your email address)
  4. Type the classroom code into the provided box. wqxgmv
  5. Click join classroom.

If your username is not easily identifiable, please see either Mrs Begou or Mrs Bayliss

Duolingo competition

  • European Day of Languages: Library Quiz

Mr Leitch will be hosting a Quiz to celebrate European Day of Languages on Tuesday 29th September from 1.30pm to 2pm in the Library.  Teams of maximum 3 pupils.  Open to all S1 and S2 pupils.  Please sign up in the Modern Languages department (see poster on the ML base door)

Library Recommendations

If you are looking for reading suggestions to help your children with their reading choices at Keith Grammar School, why not check out the School Library Book Recommendation webpage. It has a growing number of ‘If You Like …’ themed lists to choose from, a ‘Bookflix’ page and recommendation videos made by Moray school librarians.  The ‘If You Like …’ book lists are specifically  aimed at S1-3 pupils. A new themed list will be posted each week till October – so keep checking back!


Covid-19 – Arrangements for wearing Masks

2020.08.26 ParentCarer Letter1

A letter has been sent to parents regarding Covid 19 arrangements in school, including the new regulations about wearing of masks which comes into effect on Monday 31st August.

Masks should be kept in a plastic bag/ similar when not being worn.

A clean mask should be brought each day.

Parents should get in touch with us at school if they think their child is exempt from wearing a mask so that we can inform the relevant staff.

This is another change that we will support young people with and we appreciate your support as always.

Mrs Bain

Acting Rector


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