Child Trust Fund Virtual Event – Scotland – 6th July at 7pm

Press Release                                                                                                                1st July 2021


Helping 16-18s throughout Scotland find their Child Trust Funds

Of the 448,000 Child Trust Funds (CTFs) opened for young people in Scotland, an estimated 153,000 belong to 16-18 year-olds. In this age range, young people are allowed to take control of their accounts; but account providers report that 58% of 18 year-olds (the age at which they can withdraw their money) have yet to claim their funds, typically worth over £1,000. A huge proportion of these accounts are ‘Addressee Gone Away’ or have never been registered, thus risking losing access to their money. This particularly impacts more disadvantaged young people.

The Share Foundation, working with HMRC and CTF account providers, is running a UK-wide series of Virtual CTF Events for 16-18 year-olds to help them find their accounts, with the next event arranged for Tuesday 6th July at 7 pm for young people in Scotland. Its completely free search facility, introduces 60% of young people directly to their account provider within two working days (with the remainder requiring HMRC linkage arranged by The Share Foundation).

The Virtual CTF Event runs for about 30 minutes with short videos and a breakout session for groups of young people to ask any questions they may have to our CTF ambassadors.

The link to register for the 6th July event is: : please publicise it as widely as possible!

to find out more, please visit

or contact: Gavin Oldham OBE 01296-310410 or 07767-337696

Notes about The Share Foundation

The Share Foundation (registered charity no. 1108068), has operated the Department for Education’s savings/investment schemes for looked-after children and young people since 2012, during which time it has benefited over 165,000 young people. Its analysis over the past three years has shown that very large numbers of families and young people generally are unaware of their Child Trust Fund accounts, particularly among the most disadvantaged (those in receipt of Child Tax Credit). The Share Foundation is therefore undertaking a programme of general recovery for the scheme, part of which is the CTF Ambassadors initiative (

Let’s get BUZZY…

Soon, we begin our Beekeeping journey at KGS and have some beesuits, tools and beehives ready for use.  (Our new bees are on standby and ready to move in.) What we still need to find is a suitable place to site our apiary  outwith the school ground. Can you please help?

Below is a wish list of what we are looking for, but realistically, we know we may not achieve all of them.

We are looking for a place  :

  • Where the morning sun (even in Winter) will be on the hive entrances.
  • That is not too shaded by Trees, although some trees nearby are fine.
  • That is not too damp, although, ideally with a water supply not too far away.
  • That is not too exposed/sheltered from strong winds.
  • That is (ideally) within walking distance of the school, or within a short distance by minibus.
  • With room (if possible) to park a vehicle not too far from the beehives to transport hives and equipment.
  • That is relatively flat to accommodate up to 5 school children and two teachers (only about 1 or 2 visits each week in summer, less often in Winter).
  • Not too close to commonly visited areas (i.e. discretely tucked away).

If you can tick off just a few points on this criteria, please email me at with a brief description of your proposed site.

Many thanks,

Mrs Allan (PT of Digital Learning)

Leavers’ Information

Lots of information was covered with all leavers in an assembly with Mrs Bain yesterday. 

Timetable change, SQA arrangements  and leaving arrangements are all different from any other year and we thank you for bearing with us as we navigate through this.

The main points are here for your information and reassurance.

Timetable change:

  • 8th June due to COVID and exceptional SQA circumstances 
  • allows more time for moderation and any required further assessments


Some pupils have to stay on until 4th June to complete assessments: teachers will advise individuals.

Provisional SQA grades may be subject to change after moderation between staff which may lead to further assessment.

Leaving Arrangements:

Option a) S6 Students who have completed all assessments and anyone who has a start date with an employer next week may leave on Friday 28th May.

(Staff will have to sign leavers’ form. In order to do this, staff will have to be very clear before signing the form that assessments are all completed.)

Option b) Leavers’ day for everyone else is Friday 4th June.

Leavers’ forms should be collected from the School Office on the relevant week. (This week for option a and next week for option b.)

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