transition week 12

Hello P2MS!

It’s time to start thinking about moving on from P2 to P3.  As a school we’re taking next week to reflect on the year gone by and start looking ahead to the next academic year – P3 for you.  I have attached some transition and learning activities for you in a grid for next week (week 12).  This is the week beginning 29th June.  Hope you have lots of fun doing these activities and feel free to think of your own too.  Click on the link above that says ‘transition week 12’ to get to the grid.  Below are the ‘shanarri superhero’ templates you’ll need for one of the activities.

Mrs Marshall

shanarri superhero boy_13721479_823

shanarri superhero girl_13721479_402

Week 7

Two pictures combined

Literacy Tasks for Week Beginning 11th May 2020

Numeracy Tasks Week Beginning 11th May 2020

Other Curricular Areas Week Beginning Monday 11th May 2020