Community Book Project



Have you found one of our community books. Read on for instructions and what to do next


The children of Wellpark Children’s Centre have started a project to encourage reading in their local community.


  • If you have found one of our books in the community feel free to rake it home and enjoy reading it with your child.
  • Once you have read the book you can either put it back in the bag, seal it tight and hide it somehwere in the community for another family to find or
  • You can keep the book in the bag and replace it with one you have at home you no longer want. We would ask that any replacement books are i good condition.
  • Don’t forget to tag us on social media. On twitter with the hashtag


If you find a book in the community that needs some TLC we would ask that you return it to the nursery and we can replace it with a new one. Our address is 45 Mearns Street, Greenock, PA154BN

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