Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Education is an important part of the work of Aileymill Primary. It is concerned with all aspects of mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future.

Health and Well Being is subdivided into the following areas:

  • Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
  • Planning for choices and changes
  • Physical education, physical activity and sport
  • Food and Health
  • Substance misuse
  • Relationships, sexual health and parenthood.

Pupils are given well planned opportunities to learn about their own health and well-being, relationships and health and safety in the environment. We encourage PE and with our two halls ensure that pupils have 2 hours quality Physical Education per week.

We request that snacks sent for play pieces should be healthy and only unflavoured water is permitted.


Sex Health and Relationship education is an integral part of a school’s health education

Programme. It focuses on the physical, emotional, moral and spiritual development of all children. Teachers are central to the delivery of sex education from Primary 1-7 and work in partnership with parents/carers and appropriate health professionals.

Parents/carers should be fully informed and consulted on the content and purpose of sex and relationship education in schools, and have the opportunity to raise concerns with school staff. On an occasion where a parent/carer wishes to exercise the right to withdraw his/her child from sex and relationship education they should discuss their concerns and alternative arrangements with school staff (as per Inverclyde Council’s Policy “Sexual Health and Relationship Education”).

Mental Health Education

At Aileymill, we believe it is vital that children are taught about mental health and are able identify and use appropriate strategies to support their feelings and emotions. Throughout the school we follow the PAThS programme, which explores a range of feelings and emotions at an age appropriate level. Children also participate in ‘check ins’ within their classes which gives them the opportunity to practise and develop their emotional literacy skills. We feel it is important for the children to develop their sense of self-esteem and self-worth throughout their education and this will be built in across all areas of the curriculum. As children progress through the school, they will participate in explicit mental health lessons which will focus on:

· Factors that influence how we think and feel

· Influence of feelings and emotions on behaviour

· Mental health conditions

· Mental health first aid

· Stigma and discrimination

Within Aileymill, we have a number of staff who are trained Scottish Mental Health First Aiders. We are committed to ensuring all children are supported to develop positive mental health and are able to access help if/when required.


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