Tag Archives: how to comment on a post

Introducing ‘Blogger of the Week’

To encourage Primary 6 to continue to write for a purpose, Mrs Falconer is introducing “Blogger of the Week,”.

This weekly award will be given to a pupil who has made a real effort to blog (as a guest writer), comment on posts and share ideas/examples of their work.

The prize? Aside from class recognition and glory? A lunch time spent with a friend on one of our laptops.

Blogging has been proven to improve children’s writing, confidence and e-safety awareness. It will give your writing an audience and will allow others to see what wonderful and talented writers we have in Gourock Primary.

Things I will be looking out for to find the Blogger of the Week:

Pupils who try to showcase their fantastic writing by either – writing a story, book review, review of their day, answering the Question of the Week or any other interesting post.

Pupils who take time to read and comment on other people’s posts.

Pupils who take time with punctuation and spelling.

It will not be the person who blogs the most, it will be down to pupils who have really made an effort to blog meaningful and interesting posts.
How to write good blog posts:

How to comment on other’s posts:


Good luck Primary 6! I look forward to reading and rewarding your hard work!
