Why do we Blog?

P7 love to blog as we can express our interests. Our blog lets a varied audience from all around the world interact with what we are doing in our class. It lets individual pupils share their experiences and achievements.

As we continue to blog we will develop key skills for example literacy, ICT and typing. We also become more aware of cyber safety.

Internet safety is very important. We know that we should never share our passwords or personal information.  Our blog is really safe although it is available for the world to view.

Blogging has lots of benefits such as social skills, classroom community and global connections. It means we are constantly improving on our literacy skills for the future. It also enhances our online confidence.

Not only is blogging beneficial, our whole class love writing and commenting on posts. Our class enjoy answering our ‘Question of the Week,’ and giving their own opinions on class debates.

Furthermore, P7 have established a new Student Media Team who are responsible for the upkeep of our blog, taking classroom ‘snapshots’ of learning, writing class newspapers and updating other social media outlets.

Student Media Team

We hope that this explains why our class blog and encourages others to start blogging too.

Orla and Eve


13 thoughts on “Why do we Blog?”

  1. I think that this blog post is really interesting and tells that we are very busy in school. I like how as a pair you were both able to type up something this fantastic about the class blog and the student media team . It is clear that you both put a lot of effort in to this blog post . well done and keep up the great blog posts !!!

  2. I think this was a great blog post because it describes P7 really well and the writers have done really well. Well done Eve and Orla for writing this amazing post. P7 love blogging because we like giving detailed posts and telling everyone around the world on what we are doing in class. keep up the great work! #bloggingisgreat

  3. Hi Eve and Orla! Fantastic blog post! I like how you added lots of detailed information about our class and how we love blogging! This blog post is very inspiring and I’d love to hear more from you!

    Since I’m in the Student Media Team, I’d like to write about how Primary 1 are getting on and their new topics.

    Keep up the great effort! Happy Blogging!


  4. Hi Eve and Orla! Loved reading this, I can see you put a lot of hard work into it. As part of the student media team I hope I can make my blog posts so that they match up to yours standards. Great blog post guys!!!!
    Jenna Stewart

  5. Hi Eve and Orla, great blog post!
    I loved reading what you had written and I feel that it
    describes why we blog perfectly.

    By continuing to blog we are developing lots of skills, most of them you have listed.
    By blogging we are developing our confidence with ourselves and also building on our organisation skills because we need to make time to write articles and comment on other posts.

    I am also in the student media team and I am looking forward to typing up more articles for the blog and also creating a class newspaper for primary 4/5.

    I agree with Emily and would love to hear more from you.



  6. hi Orla and Eve I loved your blog post as it described perfectly why p7 love to blog you have clearly worked very hard on it. As part of the Student Media Team I am really looking forward to working with the p6’s on their newsletter along with Alexander. I agree with Jenna and think that your post was great! good job guys!
    Libby Hunter

  7. Hey Orla, Eve great blog post ! I’m really impressed by the post, it’s really detailed and it has lots of great reasons to blog in it. I’m really looking forward to being Primary 6’s Journalist this year, reporting on all they get up to.

    Great post girls keep blogging


  8. Hi Eve and Orla! Fab post! Loads of detail! I love it when posters take care over what they are writing on the class blog because they are representing our school/class extremely well. Well done #detailed #happy blogging

    from Matthew

  9. Hi there Eve and Orla! I enjoyed reading your blog post – it has lots of detail and information about the benefits of blogging! 🙂

  10. Hi there Eve and Orla, great post! It really describes why primary 7 loves to blog. Everyone will enjoy reading it because it sounds fabulous.

  11. Hi Orla and Eve,
    A smashing post well done.
    I love the idea of the ‘Student Media Team’. It sounds like you guys are a brilliant publicity machine.

    The comment for your classmates show that you have a great understanding of blogging embedded in your learning.

    Happy Blogging!

  12. Hi Eve and Orla! fabulous blog post, it is very descriptive. I also agree with Conor, it has lots of information about the benefits of blogging, it also says exactly what we do as a class.

    Amazing blog post girls and don’t forget keep on blogging!

  13. Well done Eve and Orla, this is a super post about why p7 blog as part of our learning journey. I can’t wait to see how you progress over the year!

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