A Picture of Learning in P6

Primary 6 is a fun, active and intelligent class. We love P.E, Art, Writing and Science.

Art is a great way to express your creativity.

Writing is good because once you start writing, your story will  flow and turn into something amazing!

We love science because it tells you, if you mix different things together, it can turn into something really cool!

Finally, we love P.E because we love keeping fit, healthy and active. We recently learned how to ski at an after school skiing club. Skiing is now my favourite sport and hobby!

Primary 6 are included in groups.

The Journalists write the class newsletter for the parents so they know what we’ve been up to.

The Global Citizens order fair trade rice from Malawi and sell bags of rice to the school for £3  a bag. They are currently on their 4th batch of the 90kg rice challenge and are doing very well.

The PPR Team (Promoting Positive Relationships Team) are in charge of Playground Pals. We typed up a rota for who is in the upper school playground and who is in the lower school playground. We read it out every day. Playground Pals is a massive part of the school. Primary 6 play games with pupils from P1-P7. We recently ordered new equipment which will be available to play with soon.

The GIRFEC Group makes sure everyone is SHANARRI. They are currently working on a GIRFEC Game board which the whole school can play soon.

Finally, we have the Fit4Life Team who organise and count the points for Running Round Europe. They are doing a great job!

Primary 6 is a great class and we are looking forward to further challenges.

By Emily Watson P6


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