Question(s) of the Week – New Year, New You?


A) What New Year’s Resolutions have you made?
B) Are you good at keeping New Year’s resolutions?
C) What is special about the New Year period?
D) How do you celebrate New Year?
E) What one thing would you like to change about last year?
F) Why do people have a hard time sticking to New Year’s Resolutions?
G) How do you plan on making 2015 a great year for you?



50 thoughts on “Question(s) of the Week – New Year, New You?”

  1. A) The New Year’s Resolutions that I have made is to brush my teeth better so i will feel healthier.
    B) I am good at keeping my New Year’s resolution because I stick to my goals.
    C) The special thing about the New Year period is that we are starting a new beginning and new year 2015!
    D) I celebrate New Year with Friends and Family at theirs, or at ours with music, movies and dancing!
    E) Nothing I would change as I was very lucky, I had a great year.
    F) People have a hard time sticking to New Year’s Resolutions because some people are lazy and can’t be bothered and others set too hard challenges for themselves.
    G) I plan on making 2015 a great year for me by taking every opportunity to do something new or different.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. You’re certainly on the right track, you are very good at taking opportunities! I wish you continued success with your photography this year!

  2. A) My New Years resolutions are to keep my room tidy and stop fighting with my brother. Both these things will please my Mum

      1. This is definitely going to be a great year for travelling. Now I have Ardentinny to look forward to and also a week in August to Dunblane with NYBBS

  3. A)My New Year’s resolutions are to complete all gymnastics tasks given (within reason.)
    B)I have not set a new years resolution before but because it is a passion I can stick at this one.
    C)What was special about this new years period was I went to a carnival with friends and family then we all came back and enjoyed each others company for a pre New Year party.
    D)I celebrate New Year by having a family and friends party at my house but this year we just stayed in and play games till the bells rang.
    E) One thing I would like to change from last year would be when I was going to someone’s house for a really fun barbeque and I cut my foot on a jaggy rock and couldn’t walk and we were building a water park 🙁
    F)People find it hard sticking to New Year’s resolutions because some people make them silly things like stopping war or running a marathon, as a kid which is kind off impossible so they will probably give up as they think. Another thing is that if you said you would run 5 minutes every day and you were lazy you might end up giving up to so it all depends on your mood.
    G)I will make 2015 a great year for me by keeping up my good work in school because this is the start of a new year so I am going to try to stay bright And try to support my mum and dad on everything they do for me. Last thing I am going to Holland so I will try to absorb all the Dutch culture.

    1. Thank you a great post Orla! I hope you manage to stick to your resolution! Maybe you couls demonstrate some of your gymnastics tasks during PE!

      1. Thanks I would appreciate it if me Grace, Eve, Emily and Aimee could do gym as they are as confident and good as I am.

  4. What an exciting year ahead for all of you…and with these goals I think it’s going to be a very successful One . I’m looking forward to your reflections on all of those resolutions this time next year!

  5. A) The New Years resolutions I have made this year are to get faster at running.
    B) I have never made a New Years resolution before but I think I can stick to it.
    C)The thing that is special about the New Year period was I had a party with my friends and family.
    D) I celebrate New Year by having a party.
    E) I wouldn’t like to change anything from last year
    F) People have a hard time keeping New Years resolutions because they are lazy.
    G) Working harder both in and out of school.

    1. Thank you Martin. You’re right, some people forget the importance of their resolutions and the reasons why they made them in the first place. I hope you are able to achieve your goal this year. The cross country competitions will certainly help that!

  6. A)The resolutions I’ve made is to stop biting my nails and do as I’m told

    B)I can keep my new years or resolution because it will make my nails better

    C)It is when we see out the old year and welcome the new year

    D)We go to Edinburgh to celebrate the bells

    E)Stop eating so much

    F)Everyone has good intentions but find it very hard to keep them through the 12 months

    G)To try and stick to my new year resolutions

    1. Thank you Josh! I hadn’t realised you visited Edinburgh for the Hogmanay party. Was it good fun? I wish you luck with stopping the nail biting habit! I don’t think you will have to work too hard to achieve your other resolution – you’re pretty good at following instructions in school!

  7. A) My first resolution is to try more foods because I would like to be able to like more food (and you don’t know if you like something if you’ve not tried it) and my second one is to try and keep my tray in school tidy because I always accidently throw things in it and forget about them.

    B) I don’t know yet because I haven’t made one before

    C) It’s a chance to change who you are for the better and take a fresh start

    D) Usually I have a Hogmanay party at Orla’s house but this time I went on holiday to London to celebrate the new year and my birthday

    E) I would have changed nothing about last year because it was a great year and I hope this year is going to be to

    F) Some people find it hard to keep resolutions because they are either too tired or lazy or their resolution is to challenging

    G) In the summer I am going to Holland with Orla and in the Easter I am going to Turkey

    1. A secret hoarder are we! Tray check coming up! 🙂 It is good that you have recognised how important it is to stay organised! I too enjoy trying new foods! The latest has been oysters! I hope you had a wonderful time in London celebrating your birthday. I’m sure your travel plans this year will also keep you busy!

      1. I love trying new foods too, the latest things I have tried are cockles and biryani. The biryani is a curry dish it is really spicey (if something is spicey you drink milk not water that’s a fact my dad told me) and cockles are small shell fish that are in vinegar.

        1. Oh, I love curries! I am a big fan of spicy food! Good tip with the milk! I think it helps to line your stomach too so that the spice doesn’t upset your stomach.

  8. A)The New Year’s Resolutions I have made are to achieve my front handspring in gymnastics as I love gymnastics and have been trying hard to get it. Another one is not to waste my money because my mum and dad and I are planning to go on holiday in July so instead of wasting my money, I am going to put it towards the flights and hotel.
    B) I haven’t made a New Years Resolution before, but I’m sure I will be able to stick to mine.

  9. A) What New Year’s Resolutions have you made?
    I haven’t really made a resolution because I don’t get the point in it but I think I should try to make one.
    B) Are you good at keeping New Year’s resolutions?
    I do not know because I have never made one.
    C) What is special about the New Year period?
    I think it special because I get to meet family and friends who I have not seen in a long time
    D) How do you celebrate New Year?
    I celebrate New Year usually with friends and family, but have also been away in America and Cuba at this time of year.
    E) What one thing would you like to change about last year?
    Nothing, I think the last year was really good.
    F) Why do people have a hard time sticking to New Year’s Resolutions?
    People make their resolutions too big and sometimes they give up because its too hard.
    G) How do you plan on making 2015 a great year for you?
    I want to try even harder this year. Last I tried my hardest but want to even put more effort in this year.

    By Benjamin

    1. What a lucky person you are to have spent New Year in such lovely destinations! I’d like to visit Cuba one day to see the old vintage cars! I think they are in Havana! I’d like to hear your resolution when you have decided! What did you discuss with your group when you spoke of your personal goal for this year?

  10. A) The resolutions I have made are to cook for my family because my mum and dad always cook.
    B) I am pretty good at keeping my resolutions because I try to stick to them as often as I can.
    C)The beginning of the year is special because you celebrate the New Year.
    D) I celebrate New Year by staying up all night and wait for midnight with my family.
    E) I would like to change nothing about last year because it was great.
    F) people have a hard time sticking to new year’s resolutions because they sometimes regret making a resolution.
    G) I plan to make 2015 a great year by sticking to my new years resolution.

  11. A) What New Year’s Resolutions have you made?
    ANSWER: Keeping my room tidy.

    B) Are you good at keeping New Year’s resolutions?.
    ANSWER; I don’t know because this is the first one I have made

    C) What is special about the New Year period?
    ANSWER; New year is a time for celebration , New year New me 🙂 .

    D) How do you celebrate New Year?
    ANSWER; This year we went to first foot Gran and Granda ,then back home to celebrate more.

    E) What one thing would you like to change about last year?
    ANSWER; Nothing had a good year.

    F) Why do people have a hard time sticking to New Year’s Resolutions?
    ANSWER; I think sometimes people make resolutions that are too hard to keep , so they have already failed before they start.

    G) How do you plan on making 2015 a great year for you?
    ANSWER; Looking forward to skiing lessons tomorrow and Ardentinney in May which sounds epic and cant wait. No other plans yet for rest of year but if it is as good as 2014 I will be happy. BRING ON 2015….. ;0

  12. A) What New Year’s Resolutions have you made?
    Trying new things.

    B) Are you good at keeping New Year’s resolutions?
    This is the first New Year’s Resolution I have made.

    C) What is special about the New Year period?
    Getting to stay up past midnight.

    D) How do you celebrate New Year?
    With a family meal.

    E) What one thing would you like to change about last year?
    I wish my granny was still here.

    F) Why do people have a hard time sticking to New Year’s Resolutions?
    Because they don’t try hard enough.

    G) How do you plan on making 2015 a great year for you?
    To keep trying new things.

    1. Thank you for your post Andrew! Trying new things is a great resolution! It fits right in with our school value ‘take every opportunity’ I hope you experience some exciting new ventures!

  13. A) A new year resolution I have made is to only watch one hour of TV a day because I watch too much and watching too much TV can stop me from being active.
    B) I have never made a new year resolution before but I think I’m going to be good at it because I am very determined and finish what I start.
    C) The new year period is special because it’s a chance to reflect on the past and change for the better.
    D) I celebrate new year by meeting with my family and having a new year dinner.
    E) There is nothing I would change about last year only it was so good that I wish it hadn’t gone so fast!
    F) Some people have a hard time sticking to resolutions because they aren’t very determined and some people give up because their resolution is to hard or they don’t like doing it.
    G) I plan to make 2015 a great year by not getting too worried or stressed and keep my resolutions.

    1. What a brilliant mindset you have for the year ahead. Remember the saying ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ and you will do just fine. Positive mental attitude Eve!

  14. A) I do not like doing New Year resolutions but if I were to make one resolution it would be to tidy my room more often.
    B) I am not too sure yet if I am good at keeping a resolution because this is my very first. If this goes well though, I will make more resolutions in the future.

  15. A)My New Years resolution is to set the table more often.
    B)I’m not too sure because this is my first resolution but I think I might succeed with this one
    C)the special thing about the new year period is bringing in the bells with my family
    D)I celebrate new year normally at my gran’s but this year we hard our first new year in our house
    E)I wouldn’t want to change anything about 2014
    F)I think some people have a hard time keeping New Years resolutions because they make them too hard
    G)I just want to do what I did last year but try not fight with my friends

    1. Friendships can sometimes be tricky! Just try and remember the steps for a restorative conversation when things get heated!

  16. The new year resolution that I have made is to walk or run five min a day .

    I don’t know if i am good at making a resolution because I have never made one before .

    New year is special as you spend it with family and friends to welcome in the New year.

    I celebrated new year at my Auntys house with her family.

    I would change to playing and being nice to my wee sister more often

    People don’t stick to their resolutions because they get lazy, moany and can’t be bothered

    I plan to see my family more often my aunt in England and be happy more

  17. a) My new year resolution is to stop picking my nails so that they are not sore.
    b) I have never made a new year resolution before so I am going to try my hardest.
    c) The new year period is special for me because I get to spend time with my family.
    d) I spend new year with my family we all sing and dance with each other.
    e) one thing I would change about last year would be to have not gotten into trouble as much.
    f) some people have a hard time sticking to new year resolutions because they make them too hard or unachievable.
    g) I plan on making 2015 a great year by being nice to every one and doing everything I I can.

  18. A)The New Year’s Resolutions I have made are to achieve my front handspring in gymnastics as I love gymnastics and have been trying hard to get it. Another one is not to waste my money because my mum and dad and I are planning to go on holiday in July so instead of wasting my money, I am going to put it towards the flights and hotel.
    B) I haven’t made a New Years Resolution before, but I’m sure I will be able to stick to mine.

  19. A) The resolutions i have made are to keep my bedroom tidy,to help my Nana with the Sunday dinner and lastly to save my pocket money and not wast it on rubbish things.

    B) I don`t know if i can keep resolutions as i have never made a resolution before.

    C) The thing that is special about the new year period is that it is a new beginning, a New Year, a new you.

    D) I celebrate the New Year by having a party with all of my family.

    E) I would not like to change anything about last year because it was a great year for me.

    F) People have a hard time sticking to New Year resolutions because they choose something that is too hard for them or some people are just lazy and cant be bothered to complete their tasks.

    G) I hope to make 2015 a great year by keeping my resolutions this make me a better person and it will also make my family happy.

  20. A) What New Year’s Resolutions have you made?My one new year resolution is to have better handwriting
    B) Are you good at keeping New Year’s resolutions? I would say that i am good at keeping new year resolutions
    C) What is special about the New Year period? The most special thing about the new year is meeting with family
    D) How do you celebrate New Year? I usually go to my uncle davids house peter probably knows him lol
    E) What one thing would you like to change about last year nothing realy
    F) Why do people have a hard time sticking to New Year’s Resolutions? usually because they are ether realy lazy or the goals to hard
    G) How do you plan on making 2015 a great year for you? i must try my hardest at school and after school activities

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