Term 4 Week 2 Homework

Spellings (x2)

Language Booklet page 2 – Punctuating sentences

Maths – Length worksheet “Training”

Remember for Visit on Thursday -Packed lunch, water and snack, waterproof warm jacket and suitable footwear for walking outside. £2 max for spending on a small item at shop but no guarantee that we will have time for shopping.

Welcome Back!

Everyone looks refreshed after our spring break. We have been bringing our Jacobite topic to a conclusion by writing a discursive piece entitled “Jacobites – Fools or Heroes?” We reviewed our topic and shared reasons for both sides of the discussion. We made our own decisions and the majority concluded that they were heroes! We’re looking forward to our visit to Culloden Battlefield and Fort George on Thursday 25th April  2013.

We have briefly looked at our new topic about Energy. This will focus on forms of renewable energy. We hope to try some  technology projects with model making and experiments planned.  Look out for any topical news items about this and let us know what’s happening in homes and communities.