We are Keeping Fit!

This term we have been learning the rules and practising skills in hockey, rugby, tennis and team games. Our project has been about our body and how we can keep healthy and we know how important it is to be active for a healthy lifestyle. We are very proud of Helen and Julia who took part in the Baxters 5K run this weekend. The girls are proudly displaying their medals in this photograph. Well done to everyone who took part in the Baxters races this weekend! One teacher did the marathon – but it was not me!

Mrs M-H

P4/5 Stars!

Our Pupil of the Month Award for September went to Julia for being good-hearted, kind and helpful. Julia is a good listener and shows good manners which are the two social skills we have been targeting this month. Well done, Julia. Every month the pupils and adults involved in the class vote for a pupil of the month and give their reason for voting for that pupil. You have to be quite outstanding to be the Pupil of the Month.

Max and Matthew played as part of the P4/5 Lochardil Football team in the Gordon Bennett Trophy. The team came in second position in the tournament and were awarded medals and a trophy. The team were awarded Head Teacher’s Certificates at our Achievers Assembly this week. We are very proud of you boys!

Mrs M-H

Term 1 Update

In week 4 we are now familiar with our new timetable, we take our classroom duties seriously and we are all working hard to make our classroom inviting for our visitors on Open Afternoon this Thursday. We have our Rabble of Butterflies, our Self Portraits and our Personal Shields on display.

In our project work we can sing the proper names of the bones to the tune of Dem Bones, Dem Bones, we know examples of different joints, we know some muscle names and where they are, and this week we are learning about the positions and functions of our organs.

In PE we have been learning and practicing hockey skills and doing some different skills stations. We also keep active in mental maths by jogging to the 2 times table, dance stepping to the 3 times table, punching out the 4 times table, Greek dancing to the 5 times table and kick stepping to the 6 times table!

Every Monday we brainstorm a spelling pattern and select a personal list of 10 words to learn by Friday. We always have to write out the list twice using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method for homework and we have a different task each week to do with our spelling pattern. This is due in by Thursday morning. There will also be a maths task which should be completed by Fridays.

Thank you for supporting your child with their homework.

Mrs Martin-Hodgson

Lochardil School Fete

Lochardil Primary School Fete is on:

Saturday 14th September 11.30am – 1.30pm



We’re looking for your help in the way of donations:

Filled Jam Jars for the Tombola & Home Baking

tom1 homebaking tom2

We look forward to seeing you there –
The Parent Council