Macmillan Coffee Afternoon – Tomorrow

macmillan coffee morning

A reminder that the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon, organised by the P6/7s, is tomorrow, Friday 27th September 1.45pm – 2.45pm. There are 3 ways in which you can support the event:

1. Provide baking for the Coffee Afternoon – to be handed in Friday morning
2. Attend the Coffee Afternoon – Friday 27th September – 1.45pm – 2.45pm
3. Allow your child to purchase a cake by providing them with a donation of £1

Thank you for your support with the event!

Maths Hunt

On Tuesday, we decided to take our mental maths outdoors! To practise our times-tables and division sums we played a game called ‘Maths Hunt’ created by Mrs Beattie and the P2s. We had to find a flag, work out the sum on the flag and write down the answer next to the flag’s number on our sheet.
It was great fun and everyone joined in. A great start to the week!