A Happy October Holiday from Mr Cook!

We’ve arrived at the end of our first term in Primary 1 – I can’t believe how quick it has come around.

In Literacy we’ve learned the first 25 phonic sounds inside your child’s home/school diaries, we’ve begun learning our ‘Look and Say’ words, we’ve created stories through drawing and overwriting, we’ve been learning how to write the letters o, c, a and d, and started reading our Oxford Reading Tree stories with Biff, Chip and Kipper.

In Numeracy we’ve been counting objects within ten, learning how to write numbers within 5, and we’ve created sequences using objects and daily routines.

Through our topic ‘Ourselves’ we’ve learned and shared our likes and dislikes as well as exploring our new surroundings within the school.

We say goodbye to our Travel Agents which has provided us with many learning opportunities – there will be an exciting new role play corner after the holidays.

To continue to support your child’s development, over the October break, continue to practise:

  • ‘Look and Say’ words within the Word Pouch
  • Phonic sounds and actions (Sound Pouch now in folder)
  • Writing letters ‘o’, ‘c’, ‘a’ and ‘d’
  • Writing numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’

I’ve popped a Sound Pouch with all of the sounds your child has done so far into their homework folder. These sounds can be used to help your child build words by blending sounds together. E.g. s-a-t or p-i-g. Please see the phonic leaflet for game suggestions.

I look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 22nd October at 9am,

Mr Cook

One thought on “A Happy October Holiday from Mr Cook!”

  1. Have a good holiday everyone. Thank you Mr Cook for helping us with the Halloween disco 🙂 🙂

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