We shared our learning . . .

Today we shared our learning at assembly. We really enjoyed sharing our ‘Happy’ mind-map posters, our ‘Happy’ song, and our ‘Happy’ reflection. It was a shame that we didn’t have the microphone as our voices had to travel a long way to the back of the hall.

We said good bye to the ‘Mr Benn’s Fancy Dress Shop’ today. It’s been a fantastic 6 weeks. For the final three weeks we’ll be learning about Christmas – its history and the celebrations.
A new exciting role-play corner has been added which will be revealed on Monday.

We hope Ryan has a fantastic time with Leo the Lion this weekend . . .

Bookbug for Primary 1

sbt1Yesterday our Primary 1 children were taken into the hall after lunchtime for a special treat . . . A story read by Mrs Caddell.

The Scottish Book Trust have provided each Primary 1 child with a bag including the three shortlisted books for the Scottish Book Awards.

We’ve been reading the stories in class – but it was a surprise when we got our very own bags.

Mrs Caddell read her favourite – ‘Jumblebum’ – but in a few weeks P1 children will get to vote for their favourite.

sbt2 sbt3 sbt4

Share the stories with your child at bedtime, and talk about which book is their favourite and why. We’ll be tracking the book awards in March, so be sure to check back for the result.

Numbers 0 – 10

This week in P1, we’ve been revising what we know about numbers to 10. We’ve been using the words more than/ less than/ bigger/ smaller/ most/ fewer/ before/ after to play games and do activities.

Keep practising all of your numbers from 0 – 10 at home.

Can you name each number?

Can your put them in the right order in a numberline? 

Can you give the number before/after?

Can you give a number that is more/less than another number?

CLICK HERE for a number game


‘h’ formation . . .

This week we’re learning how to form the letter ‘h’ properly. This can be a tricky one, so we’re working really hard on it in class. Some people have mastered it already, so homework will be simple tonight. Remember, you can practise all week to make sure you’re an ‘h’ superstar!

See you tomorrow,

Did you know . . .

Here is something you maybe didn’t know!

In our stories, we have heard all about three character’s – Biff, Chip and Kipper. But, that isn’t their real names. Biff is called Barbara, Chip is called David and Kipper is called Christopher. They have these names because Kipper couldn’t say their real names.

Mr Cook was shocked when he found out!

We didn’t share our learning today at assembly because it was cancelled. We will be doing it next Friday instead.

See you all on Monday,

This week in P1C . . .

This week, in P1C, we’ve been learning how to write the letter ‘p’ and the number ’10’. Sometimes we confuse our ‘p’ with our number ‘9’. We hope that Mr Cook’s secret method will help us remember:

All the way down, back up again, then around the race-track corner.


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/mAdP2bvrT2w" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Keep practising this at home!


I am happy . . .

Today we shared what makes us happy. We learned a ‘Happy’ song and made ‘Happy Posters’. We’re going to share these with the other boys in girls at assembly on Friday.

What makes us happy? . . . Find out below!

I am happy when:
I go to the swimming pool
I come to school and play with my friends
I go on the ship in my garden
My sister plays with me
I go on a bus
I go on my bike with my dad
I play in the snow
The sun comes out
I have my birthday
I play builders with my dad
I play in the snow.

Check back and see how we get on at assembly on Friday!

Happy Song – CLICK HERE!
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/71hqRT9U0wg" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Mr Cook

Children in Need

What a fantastic day it was today in Lochardil. We loved having boys, girls and staff dressed in their pyjamas. The Junior Leaders did a fantastic job with the Pudsey themed games, and Mr Cook was tired out after playing goal-keeper at lunchtime.

With the support of you all, we raised a massive £404.88 – a fantastic total!

Our competition winners were announced at assembly and are on the Pupil Council blog.

Children in Need

We LOVED coming to school in our pyjamas today – even though it made Mr Cook a little sleepy. Leo has gone home with Finlay this weekend, so we’ll find out what adventures he’s been on on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!


Our Fabulous Fairies!

Check out our fairy display after our visit from the Fizzy Pop Fairies last week. We used paper plates and bags to make the head and body. Let’s hope we find Mischievous Mel . . . Let us know if you spot her!

‘b’ formation

This week we are working on writing the letter ‘b’. Practise writing ‘b’ at home with a pencil – maybe you want to paint the letter ‘b’ or make it out of play-dough!

You should complete your ‘b’ formation homework tonight!

Fizzy-Pop Fairies

We loved having the Fizzy-Pop Fairies come to visit yesterday. The show was magical, and we loved making our puppets. We explored why it is important to stay healthy. Liz left us with a fabulous little pack which everyone got to take home today.

Keep your eyes peeled for “Mischievous Mel” – we’re all on the look-out.

Have a great weekend!

Bonfire Night

Today, we learned how to stay safe on Bonfire Night. We all agreed that we love fireworks and the big bonfire at the Bught – but there are some things we need to do to stay safe.

Fireman Sam can help by clicking the following link:

Fireman Sam – CLICK HERE

We did some firework posters in writing to tell people to stay safe, and we made some wonderful firework  pictures.

If you’re at the bonfire tonight, or you’re having fireworks – enjoy yourself – BUT . . . STAY SAFE!