Welcome Back!

What a quick two weeks the October break was! It was great to be back together on Tuesday – especially finding out we have some 5 year olds in our class now. We look forward to celebrating some more fifth birthdays this term.

This term, we continue to have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday. If you’d prefer, they can wear their PE kit underneath their clothes on these days.

The management time within the school has changed this term. Instead of every second Friday, I will be out of class each Thursday on management. Mrs Sutherland will be teaching P1C on a Thursday.

Our class mascot, Leo the Lion, made a couple of home visits last term. He will continue to arrive home with one lucky P1 on a Friday afternoon to take part in your weekend adventures. It would be great if you could write a few sentences in their home/school diary about what Leo got up to. You could also include a photograph if you wished.

Thank you for all of the pictures and postcards that you provided for our Travel Agents last term. These will be returned this week within your child’s homework folder.

We arrived back yesterday to a Fancy Dress Shop within our classroom – complete with dressing-up outfits, costume booklets and a REAL till. Through our mini-topic of ‘A Fancy Dress Shop’, your child will explore the adventures of Mr Benn that we will use for role-play activities. If you have any pictures of your child when they were dressed up (perhaps at Hallowe’en or a party), or any old clothes that you’d like to donate to our dressing up rail, these would be kindly accepted.

Your child, if they wish, can choose something to bring along and talk about with the class on the following date during our ‘Showing Time’:

25.10.13 01.11.13 08.11.13 15.11.13 22.11.13 29.11.13 06.12.13
Emma Andrew Josh Harry B Jack Wojciech Harry M
Mia Hannah Lily Jayden J Jayden C Finlay Victoria
Charlotte Poppy Harry Y Brogan Max Ryan Mackenzie

Just a quick reminder, we are going to the cinema on Tuesday 29th October 2013. Please ensure your child has a snack with them for their visit. The permission slip and £2 should be handed in by this Friday, 25th October 2013, at the latest if you have not done so.

Mr Cook