My Neighbour Totoro

Primary 1 really enjoyed their visit to the cinema today. Mr Cook and Mrs Paul were so impressed at how the Primary 1 children were ambassadors for Lochardil Primary School whilst at Eden Court.

The storyline told us about two girls who had a new home and school. Combined with the magic and mystery of the forest, we saw a happy ending which brought a tear to the eye of Mr Cook. The themes of friendship, new beginnings and family were all explored. This has been a great link to our ‘Ourselves’ topic.

Check out the video below:

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]

See you tomorrow,

One thought on “My Neighbour Totoro”

  1. I saw all of you head off to the cinema! I was wondering where you went!!!
    I also hope you had a good time as the movie sounds great!
    🙂 😀 😛 😮 😐 8)

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