Doctor Who Season 9 Review Episodes 1-3

On the 19th of September 2015, Season 9 of Doctor Who premiered. {This contains spoilers}

Episode 1: The Magicians Apprentice

The episode starts on a battle scene. A boy is on the battle field and he gets surrounded by hand mines. A soldier goes to help him and says that if you move then the hand mines will get you. Right after that is the first mistake of the season. When the soldier gets sucked into the ground the boy moves backwards and he doesn’t get caught by them. A voice tells him that his chance to survive is 1 in 1000, it says to forget the thousand and concentrate on the one. It then shows that the voice belongs to The Doctor -who in this season is played by Peter Capaldi- who asks the boy what his name is and he replies Davros. The Doctor then leaves Davros as Davros, in the future is the creator of the Daleks, The Doctor’s greatest enemy.

The next scene shows a place called The Maldovarium and a man made of snakes is looking for The Doctor. It then shows The Shadow Proclamation where the same man is looking for The Doctor and a woman asks him what Davros wants with The Doctor. In the next scene on the planet Karn, the man made of snakes says that Davros is dying. He then says for a woman to tell The Doctor ‘Davros knows, Davros remembers’. It shows Davros dying, and saying that The Doctor has a weakness, his friends.

It shows Clara teacher her class. She looks out the window and notices that all the planes have stopped. She tells her class to post it over social media. Clara figures out that someone was trying to get their attention. They get a message through a computer which says ‘You blow my mind, hey missy you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, hey, MISSY!!!’. A video of Missy -the reincarnated female version of The Master from the David Tennant episodes with Martha Jones- comes up on the screen and asked Clara to meet her at 4:00. Missy shows Clara, The Doctors confession dial, which Clara thought was for her but it was for Missy. Clara gets Missy to release the planes. Another mistake was when Clara went on a computer to try and work out where The Doctor would be, Jenna Louise Coleman -the person who plays Clara- just moved her fingers in a strange was so it was obvious she wasn’t typing. It then says that he is in Essex.

Missy teleports them to where The Doctor is. They see him playing an electric guitar, in a time when it shouldn’t even exist, on a tank. The Doctor makes some horrible puns and the man he was meant to be having an axe fight with says that he has been there for 3 weeks. He then introduces Clara and Missy to the audience that was watching. A weird thing is that Peter Capaldi’s doctor doesn’t usually like hugs but he gives one to Clara. He says that hugs are a good way to hide your face. The snake man then comes back to get The Doctor. They go with the snake man to see Davros. The man who he was meant to be having an axe fight with it then shown to actually be a Dalek and finds The Doctor’s TARDIS. The Doctor goes to see Davros while Missy and Clara test out the gravity. The Doctor tells Davros that he suspects a trap. Davros shows The Doctor all his different faces. Missy and Clara go outside and Missy steps outside into nothing where there is still ground even though they didn’t expect it. Missy says that they are on a planet. They then see that the planet that they are on is actually Skaro. The Doctor see’s that at the same time as Missy and Clara and is not happy about it. Skaro is the planet of the Daleks. Missy and Clara get kidnapped by the Daleks and get taken to see the Supreme Dalek, where they have the TARDIS, which they want to destroy. Missy tries to bribe the Daleks, but they disintegrate her. They then disintegrate Clara too, which upsets The Doctor. The episode ends with Davros again and The Doctor points a Dalek gun at Davros and says Exterminate.

The episode finished at a cliff hanger which made everyone anxious for the next episode to come out so they knew what was going to happen.

Episode 2: The Witches Familiar
The episode starts with Clara hanging upside down with Missy sharpening a stick as a weapon. Missy says she is going to tell the story of The Doctor. Clara points out the obvious, and asks why aren’t they dead. Missy was saying that The Doctor was travelling by teleportation, which has run out, and he is being attacked by 50 ‘android assassins’ aka the Daleks. He is surrounded and he has nanoseconds to live, what does he do? Clara says that he uses the energy from Daleks and the exact moment he is supposed to disintegrate he teleports, then she realises that is how Missy did it. They realise that he is in the middle of the Dalek empire and all they have to save him is a pointy stick.

The Doctor gets Davros out of his chair and got in himself. They Daleks all shoot at The Doctor. Clara said that they should drop a stone to see how deep the hole into the sewers is so Missy says that’s a good idea and pushes her in. They go through the sewers and kill a Dalek to disguise Clara in its case. The Doctor uses a bit of his regeneration power -which is what kicks in to stop him from dying- and powers Davros’ life support which is connected to every Dalek. This is a trap which starts draining The Doctor’s power. Missy saves The Doctor and tells The Doctor that Clara dies. On the way out they run into Clara’s Dalek. Missy tries to trick The Doctor into killing Clara but she fails and runs away. The end of the episode shows The Doctor going back to the battlefield where it all started and instead of killing Davros he kills the hand mines.

The first two episodes have an interesting plot line with the Daleks and it’s good to see that Clara has recovered from losing her boyfriend. Peter Capaldi is a better Doctor in this series because the last season has a lot of bad writing whereas this season has good story lines. Peter Capaldi’s Doctor is a good Doctor because even though he is older that Matt Smith, he still makes the episodes entertaining, like Matt Smith, David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston before him. His character has obviously had some improvements put into him like how he now likes hugs and he is just altogether a better Doctor. Missy is a very funny character with what she says like when she sees Clara again and says ‘How’s your boyfriend, still extremely dead I presume?’

Episode 3: Under The Lake
The Doctor and Clara go into the future to the year 2119 and go to an underwater base. The military team there had discovered an alien space ship. They had inspected the writing on the wall of the ship, which is the same thing The Doctor and Clara did when they got there. The leader of the crew was killed by a ghost when they found the ship. Now an alien and a dead crew member were trying to kill them. The Doctor, Clara and the crew members trapped the ghosts so that they could find out what they wanted. It turned out that the ghosts were repeating words which they discovered to be coordinates. They go to the coordinates and they find a locked pod in suspended animation. The Doctor discovers that the lake that they are in only exists because a dam broke and flooded a town. He decides to travel back in time before the flood so he can find out the real reason behind the signal. Clara has to stay at the underwater base, she is with two of the military people called Cass and Lunn, while The Doctor goes back in time with O’Donnell and Bennett. After The Doctor leaves, Clara sees a new ghost in the lake. After looking at it she sees it is the Doctor and starts to panic.

Another good cliff-hanger to make people watch the next episode. I really enjoyed this episode and it is one of my favourite Doctor Who episodes.