Doctor Who Review Episodes 4-6

Episode 4: Before the Flood{This contains spoilers}

The Doctor lands in 1980 with Bennett and O’Donnell. They discover that the Tivolian, Prentis, is still alive, the writing has not yet been scratched onto the wall of the spaceship and it is a hearse carrying The Fisher King. Back in the base Clara, Cass and Lunn have discovered that The Doctor wasn’t saying coordinates he was saying their names. The Doctor calls Clara and tries to turn his ghost good but instead it unlocks the door that is keeping the ghosts in. The King Fisher wakes up, killing Prentice and writing the words on the wall. O’Donnell, Bennett and The Doctor run away but they all get separated and O’Donnell gets killed. The Doctor goes to talk to The King Fisher, in the church and convinces him to leave. He uses the missing power cell to destroy the dam wall, flooding the base. The Doctors ‘ghost’ turns out to be a hologram that The Doctor programmed.

Episode 3 and Episode 4 were very creative episodes; they aren’t like many Doctor Who episodes. Only one Doctor Who episode has included a ghost as far as I know since the reboot and that ghost turned out to not really be a ghost, it turned out just to be a woman stuck in a time pocket. It was a good idea to include a ghost of The Doctor to make people watching think that The Doctor dies. It is a bit of a cheesy episode at the end because two of the characters are in love and it’s way too cheesy to handle.

Episode 5: The Girl Who Died
The Doctor and Clara go back in time to the time of the Vikings. After the Vikings try to capture them, The Doctor says that his sonic sunglasses are too advanced for their knowledge. The Viking take his sunglasses and stamps on them. They then take The Doctor and Clara prisoner, and take them back to their village. Thanks to a girl called Ashildr -played by Masie Williams, best known for her role as Arya Stark in ‘Game of Thrones’-, they have to fight for their village against the Mire, one of the universe’s warrior races. The Mire took all the villages best fighters so all they had left were the farmers, and fishermen and people who couldn’t fight. The Doctor and Clara began trying to train up the warriors as best they can. At first they are pretty sure that there is no way to win against the Mire but The Doctor makes a plan using Ashildr. The next day, when the Mire invade, The Doctor steals a helmet for Ashildr to use. By using the helmet, she was able to hack into the Mire’s other helmets and forces them to retreat. Sadly, she dies due to the helmet draining her life away. The Doctor then remembers Caecilius, a man who he saved when Donna Noble was his companion -Season 4 Episode 3 – The Fires of Pompeii, David Tennant and Kathrin Tate-. How that him and Caecilius share a face -Caecilius was played by Peter Capaldi- The doctor realises that he doesn’t have to follow the rules of time and space -he saves Caecilius and his family from Pompeii, so Caecilius’ family were the only family to survive Pompeii-, so The Doctor uses Mire technology to bring Ashildr back to life. He gives her a device that can make any other person she wants immortal too so she won’t be lonely. This makes her immortal and the final scene shows her becoming miserable in her eternal life.

Maisie Williams is my favourite actor, so seeing her in Doctor who made me happy. The character Ashildr does come back throughout the season and does become an important character for this season though it is said that she won’t be returning in the later seasons. She won’t be like River Song returning constantly though it is also said that the Christmas special will be the last episode with River Song in it. The story of Ashildr or later, me, as she is called, is a very well planned story. She helps end the season well.

Episode 6: The Woman Who Lived
The Doctor decides to travel on his own to 1600s London while Clara is teaching one day where he runs into Ashildr, who is now immortal. The Doctor is very confused when Ashildr has forgotten that is her name. She has decided to use the name me because to her that is who she is. Over the years of her life she has forgotten a lot of things so she writes a lot of things down in diaries so that she can read through them and remember things. She begs The Doctor to take her away from earth but he refuses to take her. The Doctor then finds out that she has a backup plan. She met an alien that is after an amulet that will open a portal to take them off earth, but it needs the death of another to work. The alien and Me team up to take the life of an outlaw, and the amulet begins draining his life while opening the portal. While the portal is opening the creature tells Me that it was just using her so its kind can invade earth. Me uses the device to make someone immortal that The Doctor gave her to stop the death of the outlaw, saving him and closing the portal. Me tells The Doctor that will look after the people who have been caught up in his adventures. When Clara comes back The Doctor sees a picture on her phone which has Me staring at him in the background of present day London.

This was a good episode which basically in the world of Doctor Who explains how easily people are tricked. Me was easily tricked into thinking that she could get of earth if she helps someone get killed. Obviously that was too good to be true and she nearly started an invasion.