Doctor Who Review Christmas Special

Christmas special: The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor is on the planet Mendorax Dellora in 5343, where, because someone thought he was a real Doctor, is recruited by his former companion and wife River Song to help her remove a diamond from King Hydroflax’s head after his maligned attempt to steal it. Surprised that River cannot identify his newest face, the Doctor struggles to tell her while learning how she acts on her own – and how many other lovers she has had. The Doctor and River bring the head of Hydroflax to the starship Harmony and Redemption to sell it, and a series of events cause River to finally find out the Doctor’s identity.

The starship is caught in a meteor strike and crashes into the planet Darillium, where the Doctor and River are meant to have their final date together before River dies meeting a younger Doctor (David Tennant and Kathrin Tate – Season 4, Episode 9). Having deliberately held it off for as long as possible, the Doctor finally decides to give in and arranges for a restaurant to be built on the planet. The Doctor and River then have their final date together, which lasts for 24 years – the span of a night on Darillium.

I think that was a good ending to the season.
I think that River Song’s character was very well planned whereas Clara’s character really wasn’t. Clara’s character just did things, there was no sort of storyline whatsoever.
Thank you for reading!