An Interview with Mrs Ritchie

We thought it would be helpful for you to meet some important people in the school before you arrive at Wallace. Our first interview was with Mrs Ritchie, DHT S5/6.

1) Could you explain what your role in the school is?

I’m the head of year for 5th and 6th years.
I help to look after the science, maths, PE and English faculties.

I also write school timetables and manage option choices for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th years.

In school I stand in for Mr Pennock when he is absent or at a meeting.

2) What do you expect from the new s1 Pupils?
We expect you come to school ready to learn.

When you move up to secondary school, we expect you to be more mature.

We expect people to make good use of extra-curricular activities.

A positive attitude should be displayed everyday throughout the year.

If you are confident, you are expected to participate in trips and days-out.

And a biggie- you are expected to ALWAYS be in FULL school uniform.

3) What should a pupil do if they are having difficulties in school?
If you are having trouble keeping up/concentrating in a class, ask for learning support for the appropriate classes.

If you also had trouble in primary school, the school will have been notified and you will receive help from the pupil support faculty.

4) What opportunities are there for new S1 pupils?
There are plenty of opportunities to go on trips abroad, activities day, after school clubs, extra-curricular clubs and also form trips.

Other activities include the junior and senior ski trips, football trip, water sports and theatre trips.

5) Is there any message you want to give to the P7s/S1s?
“Come prepared to give your best every day”- Mrs Ritchie.

6) What is your favourite thing about working at Wallace High?
The pupils!

7) What is your favourite TV show?
The Good Wife.