Ski Trip!

The ski trip to Italy 2016

Written by Izzy and Georgia

This year Wallace High School went on a Ski trip to Bormio in Italy. 13 pupils took part in this trip. We went away for a week, and flew to an airport in Italy then drove for 4 hours to Bormio. (Lovely as Bormio was, we were frozen!) We all enjoyed it, and think many more pupils should have the chance to next year to as well.

DAY 1 – TRAVELLING!! (Yeah not as good as it sounds)

Pupils arrived at the school, undeniably excited for the week ahead. We got on the bus at 11 o’clock. Once pupils, teachers and luggage were on board we set off to the airport. Mr Burke, Mrs Ritchie and Andy came with us. We got to Edinburgh Airport about an hour later. We went through security-thankfully, none of us went ‘beep’ when we went through the scanning machine. Being nearly lunchtime we were all ready to eat, so we took out our wallets and bought snacks and drinks- the hot chocolate was delicious. We waited to be called to board and got on the plane. There were six girls and seven boys so all of us girls sat together, in two rows and the boys were spread out between three. The flight was about 3 hours but we found ways to amuse ourselves. When we got off the flight we got on a bus to go to Bormio. It took 4 hours. We got the hotel at about 9 o’clock and we got given ham and cheese rolls with a bottle of water. After that, we played in the games room until it was time for bed- most of us were tired from the long, long day of travelling!


Now let’s get to the main part- Skiing!

When do we get our equipment?

As our first day began we were eager to get on the slopes, but first we had to get fitted with our boots and skis. It took some time but fortunately, it didn’t take too long and we were ready to get sorted into groups quickly after.

What if the runs are too hard or if I am scared to do them?

Thankfully, there is nothing to worry about, if you aren’t confident or are unhappy in your group you could easily be switched to one that you feel more comfortable with. You also may not be comfortable with the type of slopes you’re doing but if you feel they are too steep or high, you won’t be forced to do it. Another big question is “Will I get laughed at if I fall or am not confident?” “Oh ha-ha you can’t do this or you can’t do that!” This is complete rubbish and you shouldn’t feel bad that you aren’t on the same level as the group, just go at your own pace.

Will I get hurt?

Injuries will happen, but if you are careful by looking for other skiers, and not going too fast when there is someone in front of you, then you will be ok.



THE FOOD IS BRILLIANT! Fortunately, there is a wide range of food and you will NOT go hungry.

What we did while Skiing-

We skied 10-12 then we had lunch and skied again 1-3 and we could do extra skiing after if we wanted to. While skiing we did different activities and exercises such as lifting our top leg and switching round after every turn. This helps because you are meant to put most of your weight on your downhill ski- don’t worry it’s easier than it sounds! We did exercises without using our poles- now that was harder!

Thank you for reading this

Have a good day
