
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

November 8, 2017
Comments Off on Equality in the classroom

Equality in the classroom

There is a general conception that primary teaching is a female job; surely women are more caring and more suited to working with young children? School is a very very important place for children. It not only educates them and gives them the skills and abilities needed for later life, but it is where they … Continue reading Equality in the classroom Continue reading

November 7, 2017
Comments Off on Maths In Sport

Maths In Sport

When I first heard we were going to be having lecture on maths in sport, I was extremely confused as I couldn’t think of a link between the two subjects.  However, after some research yesterday, and todays input, I have been made aware of the links between these subjects and discovered how the fundamentals of […] Continue reading

October 29, 2017
Comments Off on Should schools promote Scottish tradition and culture?

Should schools promote Scottish tradition and culture?

Having been in different primary schools, I believe that although Scottish history is taught in primary school often Scottish tradition is not thoroughly explored. Scottish Culture lies at the centre of life in Scotland (Scottish Government, p.3). Scottish culture is very well known about and respected in other countries and is why Scotland is an […] Continue reading

October 25, 2017
Comments Off on Cornelia Clark Fort

Cornelia Clark Fort

STORIES FROM DRAMA: Writing in Role (2 hours) Choose a character from the past (it doesn’t have to be a famous person). Research that character and the time that they lived. Use the drama convention visualisation to explore what it would be like to be that character. What would they hear? What would they see? Smell? Experience? […] Continue reading

October 19, 2017
Comments Off on Binary, Counting Horses, Indigenous Tribes… Oh my!

Binary, Counting Horses, Indigenous Tribes… Oh my!

Richard’s last two inputs about number systems and place value have left me perplexed to say the very least. Binary, a counting horse and indigenous tribes… All these aspects were covered in two inputs and they definitely broke down my structured beliefs on what mathematics really is. A key point that I took away from […] Continue reading

October 19, 2017
Comments Off on Maths, Play and Stories

Maths, Play and Stories

Following our recent input with Eddie on the links between maths, play and stories, I decided that this was an area I would like to research further into as I never quite realised just how much of the mathematical knowledge that our young children first acquire is through play based learning. Maths and Play One […] Continue reading

October 9, 2017
Comments Off on Conquering Maths Anxiety

Conquering Maths Anxiety

Many of us will be familiar with the shear panic, the sweaty palms, the headaches and the confusion that comes alongside attempting mathematical problems but not many will be aware that this is a diagnosable condition and is extremely prevalent among the population. Maths anxiety has been defined as “a feeling of tension, apprehension, or […] Continue reading

October 8, 2017
Comments Off on Dancing – A Cultural Take

Dancing – A Cultural Take

So this post hasn’t worked out exactly as planned – as Glow is insisting to view the video from the post you have to download it – but don’t worry, I promise it’s worth it! IMG_4429 I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share a bit of Scottish Culture – Highland  Dancing! Albeit […] Continue reading

October 4, 2017
Comments Off on Are We Professional?

Are We Professional?

Within our Peer Learning Workshop on Monday, the main point of discussion involved whether or not we possess similar values and attributes that would be classed as professional. It cannot be argued that we are all exactly the same. In my opinion, it would not necessarily be a good thing if we were. Individuality and […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Task

Resource Allocation Task

Derek commenced the task by numbering each table from 1-5 and giving each group an envelope. Each group were allocated the same task and were requested to produce an item which could assist a new student in their first week at university using only the resources contained within the envelope. My group was at table […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Childhood Memmories…

Childhood Memmories…

What experiences do you have of your childhood ? It can sometimes be a tricky answer, for some jt can have lots to say , yet for others not as much. I can clearly remember learning FRENCH. Yes French. Now the reasons for remembering it, was the kind odd but really engaging song. As a […] Continue reading

March 27, 2017
Comments Off on Back to Work!

Back to Work!

This weekend I went down to Austin, TX with my Uncle Hugh and Auntie Mary to celebrate their friends’ son’s first birthday. Austin is 217 miles away and it took us 3 and a half hours to get there and a little longer to get back. I’d heard the saying “100 years is not long […] Continue reading

March 18, 2017
Comments Off on What a Week!

What a Week!

I can’t believe that’s my first week of placement over already! What a brilliant week it has been! Here are some of the experiences that I have been involved in: Kodaly During the Kodaly sessions, I saw p1 children learning about the foundation elements of music, including rhythm, pitch, and tempo. This learning happens in … Continue reading What a Week! Continue reading

March 14, 2017
Comments Off on Going down under!

Going down under!

For the past few years, the idea of going off to Australia has been one which seemed highly desirable, yet extremely unlikely. It was only when given the opportunity of choosing the International Baccalaureate module at University that it appeared this could my opportunity – study abroad, gain experience in an international school and receive an insight […] Continue reading

March 12, 2017
Comments Off on Music for Learning

Music for Learning

As I prepare for the beginning of my Learning from Life placement (tomorrow!) I’ve been doing some reading about music education and the value and impact it can have on children. There have been many studies which have investigated the benefits of music education. Standley (2008) and Hallam (2010) report that well planned music activities … Continue reading Music for Learning Continue reading

March 12, 2017
Comments Off on Placement Jitters

Placement Jitters

Current mode: panic! No, not really. However, I am feeling very nervous about placement which begins TOMORROW. I say placement but is, in fact, a “prac”. I arrived in Australia Friday just passed and about to undertake a placement in Somerset College, an International Baccalaureate world school in Queensland! As well as all of the […] Continue reading

February 15, 2017
Comments Off on I am an atheist

I am an atheist

I am a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. I never got brought up this way, I have always been told to have an open mind and that I should never say never. I have many reasons for disbelieving in a God or gods, and until I started …

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February 13, 2017
Comments Off on Science Mini Essay: Group 7

Science Mini Essay: Group 7

By Group 7 MINI SCIENCE ESSAY: AC1: An explanation of scientific literacy Being scientifically literate is the ability to understand basic scientific language and concepts. This includes factors such as being able to carry out an experiment including a fair test, changing variables, understanding the dependent and independent variables and constructing a hypothesis. A scientifically […] Continue reading

February 9, 2017
Comments Off on Scientific Literacy – Group 1

Scientific Literacy – Group 1

AC1: “Scientific literacy is the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity.”(National Science Education Standards, 1996, pg.22) In order for someone to be capable of understanding and fully comprehending the depth and importance of science in our society as a […] Continue reading

February 7, 2017
Comments Off on Drama Lessons – TDT

Drama Lessons – TDT

A subject that I always seemed to enjoy throughout my primary and secondary school days was drama. I find it a particularly interesting and useful subject as it can offer young children many opportunities especially performing in front of an audience. To some children, the thought of performing in front of anyone can be terrifying […] Continue reading

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