
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

January 27, 2016
Comments Off on Upstart Campaign- Introducing Kindergarten to Scotland

Upstart Campaign- Introducing Kindergarten to Scotland

During last semester a few different lecturers mentioned that of the Nordic school model where children start school later (around 7) and catch up very quickly and even overtake those who started school earlier by the time they reach eleven or so. This was something I wanted to look into further but never got round to doing. […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

After I overcame my initial trepidation I found my first drama workshop to be fun and informative. Nikki Doig opened my eyes to the many ways in which drama can be utilized to enhance learning across all areas of the curriculum as well as showcasing the importance of learning drama itself. The part of the […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on My Story Box Experience

My Story Box Experience

While on placement within a primary 4 class last year, I created a story box based on the book ‘The Worst Witch’. When I was a child, I wasn’t a big fan of reading but instead read only when I was forced too by my teacher or parents. However, ‘The Worst Witch’ was one book […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on It’s just over that hill…

It’s just over that hill…

Having spent a lot of my Sunday’s a child out exploring rock pools at Scurdie Ness Lighthouse, or trying to find Geo-Cache’s with my family, I’ve always enjoyed being outside. I don’t recall doing any Geography whatsoever when I was at primary school, apart from the water cycle maybe. We did topics on countries like […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on From Tudors to Tim Peake… and so much in between

From Tudors to Tim Peake… and so much in between

A common theme has started to occur throughout our ‘Teaching Across the Curriculum’ inputs; we need to work on expanding our own knowledge. Of course, this means that we must to continue with our academic reading; ploughing through the textbooks and journal articles, but it also means that we should be brushing up on  the vast […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on Smart Target

Smart Target

Today I’ve come up with a SMART target that relates to science. A SMART target is a good way to accomplish targets and to get the done in time. SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timed In our science lecture we were talking about famous scientists. We got asked if we have a favourite […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on I’d better get out there and do it then!

I’d better get out there and do it then!

Geography in school was something that was never really covered – or at least not in my primary school. History was something covered well and to an extent mostly just about the local area – that was 60 miles away (if I did culloden once at school I did it a thousand times!). The most […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on Reflecting on blog posts

Reflecting on blog posts

I have recently been reading through other people’s blog posts. They are all very informative and interesting to read. I realize this is because they all posting on relevant information they have come across.  Even if it’s from their day to day life, e.g. a conversation or a video from Facebook. Looking back at my […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on Is it really that bad?…

Is it really that bad?…

For me, maths is probably one of my weaker subjects. Not because I can’t do it, but more because I find it the least enjoyable. I’m probably most feared to teach maths because I am not very confident in the subject. Throughout Primary School there wasn’t a subject that I particularly didn’t enjoy. I was […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on And the Oscar for best film goes to…..

And the Oscar for best film goes to…..

In the short time frame from first semester to second semester I already feel a lot more at ease when I see ICT on my timetable. I am basically guaranteed to have an interactive and productive lesson. Experiences I can pass on to the children I hope to teach one day. The most recent has topped […] Continue reading

January 25, 2016
Comments Off on I’m sorry, I’ll try harder…

I’m sorry, I’ll try harder…

I’ve not been a good student! Okay, that is maybe an over exaggeration but in terms of this blog, my engagement has declined severely as semester one was drawing to a close. Having looked back through some of my posts I have realised that most of my posts are influenced by lecturers who are telling […] Continue reading

January 25, 2016
Comments Off on Let’s Make It Personal

Let’s Make It Personal

Following the ePortfolio input where we had the opportunity to read some of our peers blog posts, I have realized that there are in fact a number of ways to display my professional thoughts within my own blog. I have also decided that I need to reflect more upon my own practice and take the […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on #keepdancing


We recently had a workshop on dance and it was something which I thoroughly enjoyed. Between the ages of eight and 15 I took part in a couple of different dance groups. I started off as a highland dancer which was something I loved taking part in and is something I would really like to […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on Not so scary Maths

Not so scary Maths

When asked to rate ourselves on a scale of 1-10 for enjoyment and confidence of maths I rated 8 and 4 respectively. Maths is a subject that I enjoyed at school but the thought of teaching maths is frightening. It’s been while – almost 2 years since I’ve studied maths and prior to that 5 […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on Animoto – Internet Safety

Animoto – Internet Safety

During our recent ICT inputs (which I have thoroughly enjoyed) we have discussed developing children’s skills, using technology and the internet. An important aspect, which must be discussed with children, before hands on learning can begin, is the importance of internet safety. Animoto, and other such digital programs which can be used to explore different […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on Free your mind!

Free your mind!

After recently reading some of my peers’ blog posts on their ePortfolio, it is clear to see that some people have been putting in a great deal of effort and really engaging with the blog. They are reflecting on topics which weren’t even set as tutor directed tasks. This shows a strong commitment to their […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on Shhh! Stop talking!

Shhh! Stop talking!

There’s no denying that there have been many changes between the classrooms of the past, and the ones of today. One really important change is the increased recognition of the importance of TALK. The didactic methods of teacher speaking and children listening are being challenged to make room for investigation, enquiry, discussion and descovery. One of […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on Talking and Listening 101

Talking and Listening 101

Our insightful Language input with Anna Robb really brought into perspective the importance of talking and listening within a class environment.  Following up with some Tdt reading it became evident that a big problem in terms of talking and listening within schools is that teachers often do most of the former with the pupils left […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on “A primary teacher? Seriously Emily? You could do so much more than that..”

“A primary teacher? Seriously Emily? You could do so much more than that..”

Today I was asked by an old friend what it was I was studying. After I replied, explaining I was studying to become a primary teacher the response I got was, for me, an extremely sad one. “A primary teacher? Seriously Emily? That’s not exactly difficult is it? Baby sitting kids all day and teaching them […] Continue reading

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on Let the blogging bonanza continue!

Let the blogging bonanza continue!

I have just spent the past half an hour or so reading posts from many of my peers.  These posts were extremely interesting and really demonstrated that they have fully submerged themselves into the life of reflection. Looking back at posts you can see progression throughout and how their authors have developed the way they write about lectures, […] Continue reading

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