Forrester HS: The learner perspective

Forrester HS: Learners with Android devices
What do learners think about the learning with devices?

We spoke with some of the S1 pupils about their experiences of the Android device pilot at Forrester HS. They were generally excited and positive about having access to a tablet device all the time in school and at home.  They talked about how everything was now much easier with the device! When asked to elaborate on this they talked about how it had enhanced the way they now edited their writing and how good it was to access tools that enabled them to respond differently to tasks rather than solely using pencil and paper. They talked about how some teachers are using Edmodo to help support homework and WordPress for blogging and about  how they were able to access and download resources such as worksheets. The fact that there was instant access to their device and to the information they were seeking was much much better than having to wait to get their booked slot at the ICT suite. Finally, some of the learners talked about the fact that they come from a world where technology is part of their everyday experience and to have it in school was very appealing. They agreed that these initiatives, such as the Android device pilot, were about helping to develop an appropriate learning culture that met their needs.

First interview with learners from Forrester HS:

Forrester HS: pupil interview 1 Interview 1 with learners from Forrester HS

Second interview with learners from Forrester HS:

Forrester HS: pupil interview 2 Interview 2 with learners from Forrester HS

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