One of the class teachers at Preston Lodge HS who has been working with the Chromebook pilot is Feargal Kelly (biology). We took time out of his busy schedule to discuss with him what he thought he was seeing in terms of the impact on learning and teaching in his classroom as a result of his involvement with the Chromebook pilot. He talked about how having access to a web-enabled device that connected to the internet very quickly has changed things for him. Initially Mr Kelly used the device to help the learners in his class plan for their own learning but he felt that this approach was becoming too device centric, so now he has developed an approach that encourages the learners to dip in and out of using the device when it is required.
Preston Lodge HS: Feargal Kelly interview 1 Mr Kelly gives an overview of the Chromebook pilot
Mr Kelly discusses how an open network enabled him to develop a culture of appropriate use and behaviour when accessing collaborative tools. He gave us some examples of minor misuse and he talked about the ways in which he addressed these and held conversations with his learners about appropriateness. He believes that these learning conversations happened because nothing was blocked on the open network that they were using. The issue of blocking sites and access to effective learning tools is detrimental to the development of successful learner and responsible citizen aspects of Curriculum for Excellence and that if we are really in the business of educating young people then we should be having conversations to educate them.
Preston Lodge HS: Feargal Kelly interview 2 Mr Kelly discusses learning conversations that can happen with open access to the web.
Mr Kelly also discussed how the learners he works with have embraced the freedom to write for the web – a freedom that appears to have been enabled by the Chromebooks, the open network and the learning culture and climate that he has established with his learners. He gave the example of the Neil takes on Science work created by some of his learners and how Biology was no longer just learning facts or passing an exam, but how it had become a much wider learning experience, one that they owned and were intrinsically motivated by. It was also felt by those learners that they knew their science better as a result of creating the Neil takes on Science site because they had to think how best to convey their learning so that others could learn from the materials they authored and published.
Preston Lodge HS: Feargal Kelly interview 3 Mr Kelly discusses the learning culture that has developed in his classroom