Outdoor Learning at Home

Remember during these times to follow social contact rules.  If you are outside then here are some activities for all ages to follow as well as websites to visit for more ideas.

We have included some general ideas in this section and more specific curricular areas in the drop down section of this menu.

Simple Ideas with String aimed at younger pupils but all age will enjoy!

Make your own Racetrack.

Did you know that you can be an elf and fairy detective? Use this sheet to help you find clues: Elf and Fairy Hunt

One for later on in the evening : Star Gazing

Listen to the world around you and complete this sound hunt: Sounds of Spring Scavenger Hunt

Create your own woodland pictures or can you find pictures in trees? Legend has it that when witches roamed the lands they cast a spell that backfired leaving their faces in the trees! Can you find any? Can you use branches to make their brooms?

Stick men art:

Cloud Gazing   – What shapes can you see?

From your window or your garden try these  Bird Surveys

Can you create our own pictures a different way? How about a giant letter?

Which colours can you find around you in nature? Try Colour in Nature Bingo