Children have the right to live in a community that is healthy, happy and safe. Children from Bramble Brae investigated their community by going for a walk.
“The best thing about our community is activities at the Pink Centre like boxing and funs days. They are fun. The Pink Centre is cool because it has the park outside though we don’t like litter on the hill at the Pink Centre. We’d change busy roads like Granitehill Rd because the cars are going too fast. We’d add more traffic lights.”
Keeley, Ellie, Cameron and Connor P5
“The library is very cool. We go there with our school. You can get everything you want on Byron Square as it has loads of shops. Though if we could change something we’d have less shops selling alcohol and beer. In our community the neighbours are really nice. They’re really friendly and helpful. It is easy to make friends. Everyone is generous.”
Jamie, Tijiana, Simone and Yasin P6