Meeting the Public Health board

The Imagineers travelled to Hazlehead Park to meet with NHS Grampian’s Public Health Board and present their ideas for a healthy, happy and safe Aberdeen.

‘All the adults listened. We rolled the dice and asked questions like ‘do you give children what they need?’ The adults had good answers.’

Imagineer Sean-Paul

Finishing off: Praise Poems and Myself as a Learner

As this was our last week with P5b we finished on a high by reading out our praise poems to each other and revisiting Myself as a Learner (MALs).


Tyler discovered he ‘was happy the class knew what he was kind of like’ and Charlotte went from being nervous to happy and thought that the poem was true about her.


Finally, we redid the MALs to see if we felt any different about ourselves as learners than we did before we started the project.

‘I really, really, really liked it because it was fun and we got to do art and learn what does help us learn and what doesn’t. I learnt that sometimes other things don’t help other people. Sometimes I distract other people.’

Eli, Riverbank P5b

‘Yes. I helped someone today because she was upset and let her play with us.’

Elisha, Riverbank P5b

Praise Poems and Myself as a Learner Take 2

In our final week at Bramble Brae we presented the children with the Praise Poems which they helped to create and revisited Myself as a Learner (MALs).

The Praise Poems were extremely popular amongst the kids with one pupil saying:

‘It was really good because it said everything about me as a learner and some things I have to improve in my learning.’

Adam, Bramble Brae P6


Some of the kids felt a bit nervous before their poem was read out but felt encouraged afterwards.

Because we have reached the end of our project, we redid the MALs to see if any of the children felt that their learning had changed since the start of the project.


‘I have learned you can be a very good imagining learner.’

Katie, Bramble Brae P6

‘I am more helpful now I know about Children’s Parliament so I can help people with their learning. Learning Selfies were good because you know what you achieved and what you are trying to do.’

Marcin, Bramble Brae P6


Praise Poems at Tullos

As we are nearing the end of the project we created Praise Poems for each of the children as a huge THANK YOU for all their effort and hard work and also to serve as a reminder of what they have learnt about themselves not only as a person, but as a learner too.

The poems were presented to each child and read out in front of the class before the children decorated their own poem. Here is Teu’s poem, beautifully decorated:


This was a great opportunity to celebrate everyone’s achievements and reflect back on how far we had come as individuals and as a class.

‘My friend came up with the ideas for my poem and I loved it as it was so positive. It described me as funny and that I am good at making people laugh.’


Revisiting Myself as a Learner Scale

Bob Burden, who created Myself as a Learner Scale (MALS) said; ‘Ability alone is not enough: how we think about ourselves matters too.’ Children from Manor Park revisit MALS questionnaire to find out if their perception of themselves has changed.

‘I answered questions about me as a learner. It was more difficult than when we did it the first time [at the start of our doing our best work, investigating learning] because before when we did it I didn’t think about the questions but now I do. I know how I learn and what helps me learn.

One of the statements was ‘I know the meaning of lots words.’ I answered ‘No’ because I don’t but I usually check the dictionary. Like Ruby, I’m being resourceful.’


‘I answered ‘yes’ to ‘when I get stuck with my work I can usually work it out’. Right now we are going our reading labs and I’m halfway through. Sometimes I don’t know the words but I try and figure it out. Other times I have to move one.’


Healthy, Happy, Safe and Doing our Best

During this learning investigation children have been finding out what helps everyone do their best at school. This task emphasises the importance of environment and also relationships in creating confident learners. 



‘In our healthy, happy and safe school friends would be the most important thing because without them you wouldn’t want to learn as school would be boring, like a prison. We want to change our school so there are no arguments or bullying. People would all want to play with one another. We would also have way more P.E. – including climbing and Parkour. It is fun but also healthy’.

Sara, Barty and Kaitlyn

Girls day out!

The girls from the Imagineers group talked about what women in their communities need to be healthy, happy and safe. Why? Well, if children are healthy, happy and safe, the adults need to be too. Then Imagineers met the Community, Housing and Infrastructure Committee. The girls played the fortune-teller game with the councillors, designing their own questions. 

Miriam asked the councillors ‘how do you make sure all children have enough to eat?’ Demi-Leigh inquired ‘how do you help to make the parks poo-free?’ and Tijana asked ‘how can you make sure children have a say at home and school?’


Boys day out!

The boys form the Imagineers group talked about what men in their communities need to be healthy, happy and safe. Why? Well, if children are healthy, happy and safe, the adults need to be too. Then Imagineers met the Education and Children’s Services Committee – quite an occasion. The Imagineers did a grand job representing their vision for the city.


Meeting with Education Scotland

‘We went to an office in Marischal College. We talked to a grown-up from Education Scotland about what we’ve done for the past year. We showed her the Imagining Aberdeen film and she asked us questions. It was a little bit scary but fun and good. Afterwards I had a smoothie!


I am now a vice captain for Balnagask  house in my school, which I don’t think would have happened if I wasn’t part of the Children’s Parliament.’

Imagineer Katie

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