Day 1 of Mural Week

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‘Today we have started our mural. We have all week to complete it. We have been drawing buses, people, houses and dogs, imagining a better Aberdeen. It is nice being in a group of people and them being helpful to you and you helping them draw.’

Cody and Jamie

‘We are drawing ourselves as Imagineers on a landscape and then chalking out our sketches. I have been chalking slides coming out of a school and into a swimming pool. In my area the slides aren’t that good because people vandalise them. Making friends and meeting new people is my favourite thing about mural week.

Miriam and Ralfs

‘Being listened to gives us human dignity. My mum and my best friend listen to me. I’d like to draw them on the mural.’

Demi and Dylan

‘Being an Imagineer feels fun because you get to paint. Exciting because we’re going new places, meeting new children and painting a mural. Overwhelming but fun!’

Sean Paul, Tijana and Gabrielle

6 thoughts on “Day 1 of Mural Week”

  1. It looks like you are having a fantastic time being ‘Imagineers.’ I’m looking forward to visiting on Friday to see your work.

  2. I loved looking at the photographs you have shared today. It looks like you are all having great fun and I can’t wait to see your mural when it’s finished. Great to see everyone working so well together on such an important project. Well done everyone!

  3. Thank you so much for showing me your fantastic work today, you should all be really proud of what you have achieved! Special thanks to Katie for being a great guide and showing me around and Sean Paul for being such a brilliant painting partner!
    I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished mural.

  4. I love working for children’s parliment and painting the mural it is amazing I love it and I love the videos

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