Glasgow Educational Psychology Service (GEPS) aims to support staff within Early Years establishments to promote the healthy development and wellbeing of children in the early years. Some of the ways we aim to do this are explained below.
Early Years Online Learning Modules
GEPS have designed a series of short online learning modules broadly aimed at practitioners in Early Learning and Childcare settings. The purpose of these modules is to raise awareness and provide general information on early child development and how practitioners can support this. These modules form the ‘Universal’ stage within the Professional Learning in the Early Years framework, and provide a strong foundation for building skills in implementing excellent practice. This page is password protected.
If you are a Glasgow City Council Early Years Establishment you may already have the password for this or your link Educational Psychologist (EP) will be happy to share this with you too.
If you are a funded provider please contact the Early Years Team through the contact details provided on the Glasgow Early Years website to access the password.
Early years CLPL: Inclusion Support and Development groups
These support and development groups aim to build on the Early Years Online Learning Modules and focus on developing your skills in successfully including children with additional support needs (ASN). For more information on this and how to access these sessions please visit the Early years CLPL: Inclusion Support and Development groups page.
Early Years Nurture
As part of the Nurturing City, Glasgow has committed to ensuring that all of our Glasgow City Council Early Years settings are nurturing environments for Glasgow’s children by 2023. The roadmap for this is made up of 3 core elements. Over the next 2 years, all of our Early Years establishments will engage with training on the Nurturing Principles; early child development and Five to Thrive, an approach which supports attachment and attunement. Many of our establishments have already started aspects of this journey and therefore will focus on the elements that they haven’t undertaken. All of this will be supported with training materials, self-evaluation documents and the GEPS.
If you want to know more about this please visit the Early Years Nurture page of our website. This page is for Glasgow City Council Early Years establishments only and is password protected. The password for this has already been circulated, or your link EP will be happy to share this with you too.
Glasgow Early Years website
The Glasgow Early Years website contains information for all providers of Early Learning and Childcare in Glasgow. It contains information, links and contact details you need to support you in providing excellent standards of early learning and childcare for all Glasgow’s children.
Requesting involvement from GEPS
GEPS offers consultation to GCC Early Years establishments through SIIMs and JSTs.
If you are a funded provider or health or social work colleague requesting involvement from our service please see the Information on requesting involvement from GEPS for funded providers page.
Additional resources for Early Years
Educational Needs of Children Born Preterm
Glasgow City Council Education Services and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde jointly held an awareness raising seminar on The Educational Needs of Children Born Preterm on 15th June 2022. This was aimed at Early Years Practitioners as well as Teachers, Educational Psychologists, and allied Health Professionals focussing on the possible long-term education needs of children who are born preterm.
The seminar highlighted the use of the PRISM e-learning resources which are available as well as the PREM Award. For more information on this please visit the Educational Needs of Children Born Preterm page.
The page is password protected. Please contact your link EP (GCC EY establishments) or EY lead for your area (funded providers) for the password.
Tiny Happy People
Tiny Happy People aims to help you develop children’s language skills. It has tips and ideas for simple activities and play, as well as information about babies and toddlers’ amazing early development.