Young People with Care Experience

Our education system is designed to be inclusive for all children and young people. This means every child and young person is entitled to support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence provides.

Visual word cloud in tree shape highlighting views of EPs on working with care experienced children and young people

In line with  Each and Every Child, Glasgow Educational Psychological Service are educating ourselves to understand the power of language we use to talk about our children and young people with experience of care.

We are committed to delivering ‘The Promise‘  and support with this in the following ways:

  • Providing training and support to prospective adoptive parents, kinship carers and staff in our Children’s Houses.
  • Supporting staff in our educational establishments to identify, understand and meet the needs of those children and young people who are experiencing difficulties in education.
  • Developing resources to help support staff working with our children and young people with care experience, including our ‘Building Identity Booklet’.
  • Close links ink with partners including Glasgow Virtual School and Independent Review Officers, to ensure there is good multiagency working, support and communication in place.

Requesting involvement from Glasgow Educational Psychology Service (GEPS)

GEPS offers consultation to Glasgow City Council establishments through SIIMs and JSTs.

For children and young people cared for and educated outwith Glasgow City Council, information on making a request for involvement from Glasgow Educational Psychology Services can be found on the  children and young people cared for and educated outwith Glasgow section of our website.

Training for Kinship Carers

We have developed videos to promote the importance of relationships and nurturing experiences in supporting positive outcomes and resilience for our children and young people. These animations were designed specifically for our Kinship Carers but are also relevant to anyone who has a role in working with and caring for children and young people.

Please visit our Training for Kinship Carers page to watch these.

Further reading

The ‘Pinky Promise’ for younger readers can be accessed below.

View ‘The Pinky Promise’ document. 

The British Psychological Society guidance on supporting children and young people with care experience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond can be accessed below.

View the BPS guidance on supporting care experienced children and young people during CYP during COVID.

See below for further information on the legislation underpinning the status of our children and young people with care experience.

View further information on definitions around care experienced.

Here is some information designed to assist self-evaluation in schools in line with national policy and best practice in supporting children and young people with care experience.

View the self-evaluation document for schools.

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