Tag: collaboration

CLPL Digital Futures: using our digital past to shape the digital future.

Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC are offering a programme of webinars, exploring the digital experiences of teachers in the past two years and how these can inform future classroom practice. Please sign up using CPD Manager and the course IDs below. These webinars are being hosted on our FVWL RIC CLPL Sessions Microsoft Teams. The join code for this team is: z8jtl30

The programme is being supported by the Education Scotland regional improvement team. A short-life professional learning community will provide the opportunity for information sharing and collaboration.


January 25th, 4-5 pm. Our Digital Experience 2020/21. CPD Manager course ID: 77631. Course Ref: RICVL01

By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe how digital approaches were employed in different contexts; understand what the evidence tells us about the impact of such approaches; identify which approaches could be retained and built upon to further enhance teaching and learning. There will be a panel of practitioners to share their experience and participate in professional dialogue.


February 22nd, 4-5 pm. The National eLearning Offer. CPD Manager course ID: 77632. Course Ref: RICVL02

By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe the components of the offer and how they can access its different elements to support teaching and learning; understand how they might provide content for the offer; suggest how they would like to see the offer develop. There will be representatives from Education Scotland, e-Sgoil and West OS participating in this webinar.


March 29th, 4-5 pm. Embedding Digital Change. CPD Manager course ID: 776313 Course Ref: RICVL03

By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe a range of frameworks that are commonly used to implement and evaluate digital practices; understand the barriers and enablers to successful digital implementation; identify digital approaches that may want to develop in their own school context and where to seek support for this.


Links to CPD Manager

Clackmannanshire CPD Manager

Falkirk CPD Manager

Stirling CPD Manager

West Lothian CPD Manager



Collaborative Literacy: Literacy Through Play

11th May at 4pm

Join us for our first ‘Literacy Through Play’ event for Primary practitioners which will kick off a series of Literacy focussed sessions providing the opportunity for FVWL colleagues to share good practice and build a collaborative network.

This session will cover the progression of teaching Literacy through a play-based pedagogy in Primary 1 and Primary 2. We will discuss what a typical week would look like within Literacy, covering both the formal teaching aspect as well as developing Literacy more informally through free play. We will also share a variety of documentation and assessment strategies that we have found to be effective within Literacy.

Sign up either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli: sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk

Collaborative Literacy: Early Years

4th May 2021 at 3:30pm

We look forward to welcoming you to our third ‘Early Years Exchange’ event for Early Years practitioners in our series of Literacy focussed sessions providing the opportunity for FVWL colleagues to share good practice and build a collaborative network.
In this session we will hear from two colleagues on how they have helped develop Literacy through considering the impact of their role and working with families.

My role as EEL in promoting literacy in ELC -not the icing on the cake but part of the mix.
Through sharing my experience of my evolving role as EEL I plan to explore some of the commonly used words and phrases used to describe my role and discover what they actually mean in practical terms in the playroom and what impact they have in helping to develop children’s Literacy skills.

Literacy Together
Closing the literacy attainment gap through partnerships, supporting families through language workshops and rhyme time challenges. Working closely with Speech and language therapists to improve environments and educator’s understanding of how to support communication. Enabling connections that help all children reach their full potential.

Join us either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli: sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk

Primary Practitioners Literacy Facebook Group

A new Facebook group has been set up for FVWL RIC primary practitioners who have a responsibility for or a particular interest in all aspects of Literacy. As well as being able to share all FVWL RIC Literacy related news on the site it is intended to be a forum for sharing ideas, resources and supporting the learning and teaching of Literacy.
To join search for ‘FVWL RIC Literacy Primary Practitioners’ and please remember to answer the questions when you request to join!
For further information please contact Chiara Sportelli at sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk