Category: ELC this is digital elc

Unplugged Computing Science Live Lesson with Barefoot


Join Isabella Lieghio (Barefoot Volunteer and Education Consultant at in this interactive live lesson for early and first level learners, to explore one of the newest Barefoot Computing resources that has been specially created for younger to help develop their computational thinking skills, set around the context of ‘People Who Help Us’. 

The activities are all based around our real-life superheroes, the people who help us every day. In this session children will guide a delivery person with their package to the correct destination while exploring computational thinking concepts and approaches.

Everything you need is provided via the Barefoot Computing website, including activity plans with ideas for developing computational thinking in the early years, curriculum links, all printable resources and links to extend learning. 

Please visit Barefoot Computing Early Years and create a free account to access all resources and check out the introduction video, to learn more about developing computational thinking approaches in play and learning such as tinkering, creating and debugging. 


This session is for all practitioners, including childminders working with early and first level learners. 

Practitioners are also welcome to join the live lesson without children to observe how the resources can be delivered. 

This session will be recorded. 


More details, resources links and sign up here.

DSAS ELC 2024 logo

Introducing The Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC – CLPL Sessions

Accompanying CLPL supporting the new Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC.

Join us in a 30-minute information giving session, introducing the brand new Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC and to find out about the new accompanying CLPL professional learning network. 

22/08/24 11 am

22/08/24 4pm

19/09/24 10am

19/09/24 4pm

The Digital ELC Award for Scotland (DSAS) Introduction Session. Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

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This is early level Digital – CRIS

(Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety).

When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these behaviours has different levels and types of risk. Join us in this series of three webinars to explore how we can support early level learners to gain knowledge and confidence in Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety. This webinar series is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

The sessions will include examples from practice, centered around the Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy CRIS Experiences and Outcome,

I can explore, play and communicate using digital technologies safely and securely. TCH 0-03

illustrating what invitations to explore, play and communicate safely and securely may look like across a variety of ELC settings. 

We will also refer to National self-evaluation framework for ELC, How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare Quality Indictor 2.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection.

We welcome you to familiarise yourself with Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy Experiences and Outcomes prior to joining us. 

Each session is accompanied by optional follow up reading/professional development centred on the Cyber Toolkit, coordinating with each session.

Attendees will be invited to submit a short blog post illustrating how the programme has impacted practice,

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

Glow login NOT required. 

Each session will be repeated three times throughout the year 23/24 with morning and twilight options.

To get the most from this course, it is advised that you join the sessions in numerical order.

Session 1 (60 minutes) This is early level Digital, CRIS – Consume 7.9.23 & 9.1.24 & 16.4.24

Session 2 (30 minutes) This is early level Digital, CRIS – Create 3.10.23 & 20.2.24 & 30.4.24

Session 3 (30 minutes) This is early level Digital, CRIS – Communicate 7.11.23 & 12.3.24 & 14.5.23

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Spotlight on early level Digital: Outdoor Play

Join us with Mairi Ferris from Thrive Outdoors – Inspiring Scotland in this 60-minute online session, to explore how digital technology can be used effectively at early level to creatively support interactions, experiences and spaces within our outdoor environments. This webinar is for practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

The session will include creative examples from practice, centered around Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy Experiences and Outcomes, to illustrate what learning with and through digital technology outdoors may look like across a variety of settings.

Creativity is about much more than expressive arts, it is the ability to wonder about things, to see them or use them differently. Creativity is vital for all learning. Think about the creativity involved in the everyday problems we face. Consider the pace of change in our world and how we need to ensure our children are equipped with the right skills for their future. The foundations are built from the child’s earliest years. Creativity is crucial within science, technology, engineering and mathematical learning (STEM). It is also essential to language and literacy development. Realising the ambition: Being Me (page 24)

We will also refer to National self-evaluation framework, How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare Quality Indictor 3.3 Developing creativity and skills for life and learning (including digital skills), to help us identify strengths in the ways we are currently working and areas where we could do more to improve outcomes for children and their families.

We welcome you to familiarise yourself with Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy Experiences and Outcomes prior to joining us.

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings.

Glow login NOT required.

This session will be repeated five times throughout the year 23/24 with morning and twilight options.

Sign up via Eventbrite here.


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Spotlight on early level Digital: Transition

Join us in this 60-minute online session to explore how digital technology can be used effectively at early level to support horizontal and vertical transitions within our ELC settings. This webinar is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

Strong collaboration between practitioners, teachers and partners is also important in designing a continuous curriculum experience for babies and children as they journey from one phase of their education and care to another.   Realising the ambition: Being Me (page 52).  

How can we strengthen practitioner collaboration? What digital technology do we have access to that can help?

This session will focus on practical use of digital technology to capture the all-important child’s voice, ensuring transitions are meaningful to the child, supporting their social, emotional and mental wellbeing, and we will also focus on how digital technology can support the 5 Cs structure when intentionally planning your transition programme (child centered, communication, consistency, collaboration, culture).  Realising the ambition: Being Me (page 96).

Part of the session will document examples of practice from current practitioners of where they are creatively using digital technology to support transitions within their settings.

We welcome you to familiarise yourself with How Good is Our ELC, Quality Indicator 2.6: Transitions (page 35) and Realising the ambition: Being Me Section 8: Transitions matter to me (page 89).  

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

Glow login NOT required. 

Sign up via Eventbrite and receive a join link to an online meeting within Microsoft Teams. 

This session will be repeated five times throughout the year 23/24 with morning and twilight options.

Sign up via Eventbrite here.

learning with and through programme

This is Early Level Digital programme webinars

This four part programme is currently delivered as a RIC offer. Please note your interest to your local authority digital lead.

This CLPL programme is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

In this four-part professional learning programme, explore and play along with us (the Digital Team at Education Scotland), to extend your knowledge of how early level learners can effectively learn with and through technology, linking to current guidance and policy (Realising the Ambition, Curriculum for Excellence, How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare). 

In the first session, we explore examples of effective use of digital technology and the creative ways in which practitioners are harnessing digital technology to support intentional and responsive planning at the early level. 

In session two, the programme will focus on Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy experiences and outcomes in more detail. You will be invited to look inwards at your own knowledge and skills and/or learning provision in your setting, to identify what is currently working well and where there is room for improvement. 

In session three, the programme will focus on Curriculum for Excellence early level Computing Science experiences and outcomes in more detail, and we will ‘play a long’ together, exploring unplugged computational thinking and online computing science resources for early level learners. Again, in this session you will be invited to look inwards at your own knowledge and skills and/or learning provision in your setting, to identify what is currently working well and where there is room for improvement. 

The fourth session will allow practitioners to share their journey and the impact this course is having on their professional learning and also on children’s experiences. Participants will be asked to share very a brief* presentation/video/sketch note/blog post, demonstrating how they have developed their effective use of digital technologies in their setting. 

*A couple of minutes, guidance on structure will be provided. 

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

This four part programme is currently delivered as a RIC offer. Please note your interest to your local authority digital lead.