Tag: digital literacy

post by andy mclaugjlin, what is digital literacy

What is Digital Literacy? A guest blog from Andy McLaughlin, University of Aberdeen

The presentation in this post was created and shared by Andy McLaughlin; a lecturer at the School of Education at the University of Aberdeen. He is a former teacher and leader in schools where he had a particular interest in digital pedagogies. Andy has been exploring the misalignment between national policy and classroom practice when it comes to developing digital skills in schools, and casting a critical eye over the influence of ‘Big Tech’ on education.

The following presentation was recently delivered to Education Scotland’s Digital Literacy exploration group as a provocation for discussion around Digital Literacies. In it, Andy shared some interesting research that has been carried out recently around the world.

If you would like to know more, or get in touch with Andy, you can find him on LinkedIn with this link.


DSAS ELC 2024 logo

Introducing The Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC – CLPL Sessions

Accompanying CLPL supporting the new Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC.

Join us in a 30-minute information giving session, introducing the brand new Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC and to find out about the new accompanying CLPL professional learning network. 

22/08/24 11 am

22/08/24 4pm

19/09/24 10am

19/09/24 4pm

sign up coming soon

being safe and secure with digital clpl

Being Safe and Secure with Digital (This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL)

28/11/23 and 22/04/24

This session is part of the This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL programme. Participants explore the digital skills and knowledge required for being as safe and secure online as possible, with skills for now and the future with ‘big ideas’ like:

  • What are children and young people doing online?
  • How can I keep up with all the new apps, websites and games learners use?
  • What can I do to help keep them safe online?

Examples of digital literacy partners, resources and planning will be shared.

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Digital Learner diagram (landscape)

finding information with digital clpl

Finding Information with Digital (This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL)

14/11/23 and 18/03/24

This session is part of the This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL programme. Participants explore the digital skills and knowledge required for finding and evaluating online information with ‘big ideas’ like:

  • How can I teach better searching skills?
  • How do I develop analytical and evaluative skills in learners?
  • What can I do about fake news and misinformation?

Examples of digital literacy partners, resources and planning will be shared.

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Digital Learner diagram (landscape)

creativity with digital clpl

Creativity with Digital (This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL)

31/10/23 and 04/03/24

This session is part of the This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL programme. Participants explore the digital skills and knowledge required for being creative with digital media with ‘big ideas’ like:

  • What is creativity?
  • How can digital skills help my learners be more creative?

Examples of digital literacy partners, resources and planning will be shared.

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Digital Learner diagram (landscape)

learning with digital clpl

Learning with Digital (This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL)

26/09/23 and 19/02/24

This session is part of the This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like CLPL programme. Participants explore the digital skills and knowledge required for learning in school and for the future with ‘big ideas’ like:

  • How can I reduce cognitive load?
  • Am I creating choice overload?
  • What skills should be in my learners’ ‘pencil case’?

Examples of digital literacy partners, resources and planning will be shared.

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Digital Learner diagram (landscape)

living with digital clpl

Digital Literacy for Life (This is Developing Your Digital Literacy Curriculum)

12/09/23 and 05/02/24

This session is part of the This is Developing Your Digital Literacy Curriculum CLPL programme. Participants explore the digital skills and knowledge required for daily life in the 21st century with ‘big ideas’ like:

  • What is a computer?
  • Can I make an app?
  • How does technology help us?
  • Is technology sustainable?

Examples of digital literacy partners, resources and planning will be shared.

Sign up soon

Digital Learner diagram (landscape)