Author: George Milliken

Computing in Primary Schools: teacher survival kit EARLY LEVEL

This series of resources is designed to lay the foundations of learners developing an understanding of what computers are and how they work. This level introduces the concepts of:

  • computers are machines designed to do jobs
  • computers have instructions to tell them how to do those jobs

The learning will be about identifying the different jobs computers do in their lives and the wider world. It is important to link between the physical computer (parts) and the instructions (apps/software) that controls them.


For the teacher

For the teacher:
Computers are machines that are designed to do specific jobs. Some computers, such as tablets, mobile phones and PCs, are general purpose and can do many things. Others are dedicated and only do one job, such as washing machines, air traffic control or a wristwatch.

Every device is made of components called hardware which make up the physical computer system. Every computer then needs instructions to control the hardware, this is called software but more recently the term ‘app’ is used (short for application, another name for software). 

Apps, or software, is written in a special language called code which helps the user to give the computer instructions in English-like language, which would otherwise have to be written using complex maths. 

Identifying computers and what they do

These links explain what computers are:

What is a computer system? – BBC Bitesize 

What is digital technology? – BBC Bitesize 


These activities provide a concrete learning experience for learners

Ruby – computer safari  

Ruby – make computer model  

Computers have instructions to tell them what to do
Checking learning

Learners should understand that computers are used in the world all around them and can classify things which have computers in them, are computers or are not computers:

They should also be able to differentiate and sort computer technology as being a computer or an app:

post by andy mclaugjlin, what is digital literacy

What is Digital Literacy? A guest blog from Andy McLaughlin, University of Aberdeen

The presentation in this post was created and shared by Andy McLaughlin; a lecturer at the School of Education at the University of Aberdeen. He is a former teacher and leader in schools where he had a particular interest in digital pedagogies. Andy has been exploring the misalignment between national policy and classroom practice when it comes to developing digital skills in schools, and casting a critical eye over the influence of ‘Big Tech’ on education.

The following presentation was recently delivered to Education Scotland’s Digital Literacy exploration group as a provocation for discussion around Digital Literacies. In it, Andy shared some interesting research that has been carried out recently around the world.

If you would like to know more, or get in touch with Andy, you can find him on LinkedIn with this link.


family learning cyber aberdeen

Supporting Children in the Digital World: a user story from Aberdeen City Council Family Learning

This guest blog post was provided by the Community Learning and Development team at Aberdeen City Council.

Supporting Children in the Digital World is a four week course developed by CLD Family Learning Aberdeen to help parents keep their children safe online and develop strategies to manage device usage.


The course was created in response to a need identified by parents/carers who wanted to understand the technology their children using.

Over the course of four weeks we cover:

  • The technology children and young people are using
  • Digital footprints and being a good digital role model
  • Understand the risk and reward of devices
  • Know how to respond to negative online experiences
  • Discover age appropriate online safety resources
  • Learn about online safety strategies

The aim of the course is to ensure parents feel more empowered to manage device usage in their homes and give their children the skills to self-regulate and make good decisions while online.

We deliver this course to parents/carers in Aberdeen out in the community as well as online, to ensure we can reach as many parents/carers as possible.


One parent who attended the course said:

“I feel a lot happier that I now have the skills and information to tackle internet safety with my child, and will be a lot more relaxed having conversations which will in turn will benefit my child and make them more likely to approach me when they need support.”


We are further developing the course to create two one off information sessions, for those who cannot commit to the full four weeks. One of these one off sessions will focus on pre-school children and device usage and the other will be a more general information session condensing the content of the original course.

If you would like to know more, get in touch with the team by email:

What Digital learning might look like

Digital Literacy projects and resources

This section contains some recommended project-based learning resources and activities that teachers might use with learners who are secure in their digital competencies from the previous page.

Digital literacy moves beyond the technical competencies in the Learner Digital Skills Toolkit and develops into critical and social skills that are relevant and representative of the realities that people live (Marín & Castañeda). In short, digital literacy should enable people to fulfil the four capacities and participate fully in society.

These resources are designed to cover a combination of the three digital literacy Experiences and Outcomes. 

back to digital literacy home

4 capacities


safe and secure

Safe and secure – learner digital skills toolkit

Learners should understand how computers and apps work, how to control them and solutions to simple issues, like resetting them.  

They should be able to use common inputs, such as keyboards, mice and touchscreens, to find their way around the device, including opening and using apps and changing settings to make it easier to use.

This learning covers Experience and Outcome x-03a. 

back to digital literacy

safe and secure mindmap

Where to start

BBC Bitesize has useful information on how computers and the internet work.

Go to BBC Bitesize

This section focuses on the basic knowledge and skills required to setup and get started with the most common devices and how to keep them more secure.

Barclays Digital Wings

CyberFirst is the national cyber security education programme from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Their CyberSprinters game and teaching resources is an easy place to get started with cyber.
Go to CyberSprinters

cyber toolkit

Our Cyber Toolkit provides more practical advice on teaching learners about staying safe and secure when online.

Go to Cyber Toolkit

The SQA Academy has a series of FREE, simple and interactive guides for spending money online:
Got to SQA Acadamy Digital Learning Guides

Every secondary school has copies of Your Money Matters textbooks and resources:
Go to Your Money Matters Scotland

Male learner sitting holding iPad

Learner Digital Skills Toolkit: where to start when planning digital literacy in Curriculum for Excellence

The support document aims to make clear the digital knowledge and skills that learners require to be digitally competent. Being digitally competent means being able to use the most common devices and apps. It is an essential step to becoming digitally literate.

Being digitally literate means being able to independently use and critically engage with digital technology and society, such as data literacy and information literacy. We are developing guidance to support educators deliver this.

Ideas and resources for teaching digital literacy can also be found here: Digital Literacy for Learners.

This document is part of a series, view the other documents here: Digital Literacy Series

Please use this form to provide feedback on the document with this link:

Learner Digital Skills Toolkit feedback form (MS Forms)


  back to Learner Digital Literacy

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teacher digital skills toolkit user story form milngavie primary

Using the Teacher Digital Skills toolkit to identify and support staff needs

Milngavie Primary School, East Dunbartonshire, used the Teacher Digital Skills Toolkit to inform their professional learning.

The school’s ‘digital leader’ explained how they used the toolkit:

“I ran the session for collecting the data during the February in-service. It was very easy to use and being able to have the document to use alongside the Forms meant that I could explain what was meant by certain questions if anyone was unsure.The data collected on the duplicate form will be used to offer training to those with gaps, either individually or in small groups, starting with the essential skills. I will also direct some staff to online resources available to increase their skills rather than give personal training – whatever fits their needs. If there are areas where the majority of staff require support I will be able to deliver professional learning during an in-service day. to develop those skills.”

Got a story to tell? Get in touch with us and share it using this form: DigiLearnScot – Get Involved!

cyber week 26th february, ai week 25th march, digital literacy week 13th may

Digital Weeks 2023/24

We’ve got some exciting dates for your calendar this school session. 

Join us for:

Each week will have teacher training and professional learning opportunities and live lessons for teachers and learners to join in with.

Keep an eye on this page and our comms for more info and updates closer to the dates.

CyberFirst S2 Girls Competition

CyberFirst S2 Girls Competition 2023 Results

The CyberFirst Girls Competition aims to inspire girls interested in technology to pursue a career in cyber security.

The competition is a team event. Each team, of four girls in S2, tackles challenges from cryptography and logic to artificial intelligence and networking for the chance to be crowned cyber security champions.

Well done to everyone who took part but a special congratulations to the top 10 scoring Scottish schools and St Kentigern’s Academy from West Lothian who were this year’s top Scottish school!

Top 10 schools in Scotland for S2 Girls CyberFirst Competition 2023

  1. St Kentigern’s Academy  
  2. Girvan Academy  
  3. Hyndland Secondary School  
  4. Glasgow Gaelic School  
  5. Marr College  
  6. James Gillespie’s High School  
  7. Perth High School  
  8. Pitlochry High School  
  9. Stirling High School  
  10. Carluke High School  

Education Scotland is the proud regional partner with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) CyberFirst programme.

Find out more about our work and how your school can register to be a recognised CyberFIrst school here: about CyberFirst partnership.