Cruinneachadh / Assembly 04.05.18

Aig cruinneachadh an-diugh, fhuair sgoilear bho gach clas teisteanas agus àite airson an obair aca air a’ Bhòrd Òir. Seo far a bheil sinn a’ sealltainn eisimpleirean sgoinneil de obair. Chaidh piosan obair de bàrdachd, dealbhachadh bho sgeulachdan, ag aithneachadh an diofar eadar beachd is fiosrachadh agus cuideachd, a’ dèanamh oidhirp chruaidh le làmh-sgrìobhadh. Chì sibh an obair seo taobh a-muigh na sgoile. Nach math a rinn sibh!

At assembly today, a pupil from each class was awarded a certificate and a place for their work on the ‘Gold Board’. This is where we showcase excellent examples of work. Pieces of poetry, visualising from stories, identifying the difference between fact and opinion and working hard on hand writing, were all examples of work chosen today. You can see these piece of work displayed outside the school. Well done everyone!


Charlie, Audrey, Mylo, Zofia, Maeve, Ruairidh, Maria is Jasmine

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