Tha sinn an còmhnaidh cho toilichte a’ cluinntinn mun soirbheachas aig sgoilearan taobh a-muigh na sgoile is seo agaibh triùir bho C4/3!
We are always delighted to hear about pupil success outside of school and here we have three pupils from C4/3!
Fhuair Hannah crios ùr ann an Taekwondo. Thuirt i gu bheil e a’ còrdadh rithe air sgàth gur e eacarsaich math a th’ ann. Meal do naidheachd, Hannah!
Hannah received a new belt in Taekwondo. She says she enjoys it because it’s good exercise. Congratulations, Hannah!
Fhuair Heidi agus Seamus meadailtean bhon Co-fharpais FLA. Bha Heidi a’ dèanamh am buidhinn ceòl agus an còmhlan. Bha Seamus cuideachd a’ dèanamh am buidhinn ceòl, an concertina agus a’ seinn. Thuirt Heidi gun robh i rud beag nearbhach ach bha e spòrsail. As deidh an co-fharpais bha Seamus uabhasach sgìth ach chòrd e ris.
Seamus and Heidi received medals at this weekends FLA competition. Heidi was in the music group and the band. Seamus was also in the music group and played the concertina and sang. Heidi said that she was a little nervous but that it was fun. After the competition Seamus was very tired but he enjoyed it.
Sgoinneil! Excellent!