Aig cruinneachadh an-dè, dh’ innse a’ Chomhairle Eco dhan sgoil mu na rudan a tha iad air a bhith dèanamh o chionn goirid.
At assembly yesterday, the Eco Committee spoke to the school about the work they have been doing recently.
- clàr togail sgudal sgapte
- litter picking rotas
- stiogairean airson daoine a’ cur sgudal sa bhiona
- stickers for those seen putting rubbish in the bin
- ath-sgrùdadh àrainneachd deiseil
- environmental review complete
- trèanadh bho Southseeds airson Seachdain Eco
- training from Southseeds for Eco Week
- smaoinich mun Còd Eco
- asking classes to review the Eco Code
Bhruidhinn sgoilearan a’ Choimhairle le misneachd agus tha sinn moiteil asa. Nach math a rinn sibh!
Our Eco Committee pupils spoke with such confidence and we are very proud of them. Well done!