Tag Archives: West Houses

Update on Broomland’s House!

This week was a bank holiday so no one won the house point challenge at assembly, however, we are still doing very well and we are still earning lots of house points! The house captains Caden B and Skye M have been round the school and counted up points. We will get a picture of the house captains soon and a picture of the Broomland’s house badge!

We will keep you updated every week so make sure you read our blog next week!


Maxwellton got the skills


Last year we won the whole year house competition and we got an activity for winning, we went to the On-X for a bouncy castle and  we played sporty games.

Right lets talk about this year – our house captains are Rebecca G Lewis G . Maxwellton is the green house which means we are the greenest eco house because we are ECO FRIENDLY!!!

This year Maxwellton are doing  McMillian cancer charity because we are the green team and MacMillian colours are green aswell.

This is the house captin badge =                                                 This is the house badge = DSCF1033[1]
