Self Evaluation- Independent Task

I compared my notes with my partner after we watched the video and found that they were very similar. One area of improvement which we both noticed, was that at times it was difficult for him to get the pupils attention, this could be improved by better posture and more eye-contact. We can both see … Continue reading “Self Evaluation- Independent Task”

I compared my notes with my partner after we watched the video and found that they were very similar. One area of improvement which we both noticed, was that at times it was difficult for him to get the pupils attention, this could be improved by better posture and more eye-contact. We can both see how useful it is to observe others whilst teaching as we can then see what works and what doesn’t in a classroom environment.

I was surprised that the teacher wasn’t standing when talking to the class as that could have caused the problems he had with the children paying attention as he gave off a very relaxed vibe. My partner also noticed this and we discussed how this would be improved through better body language.

I did not find this task hard as it allowed me to observe the way a certain teacher teaches and take out both the positive and negatives of it for when I am teaching.

I understand the difference between judgement and feedback as judgement tends to be more critical and doesn’t really help in improving possible mistakes made, whilst feedback is crucial in developing our skills and reflecting on them. Feedback is usually mainly positives with areas for improvement.

If I could only take one idea from these tasks it would be that I would be very open to feedback and understand that it’s a way for me to improve my teaching skills.

I am really looking forward to placement as I think it will be really beneficial in seeing how the things we have done at university so far are coming into practice but also to see the different ways teachers approach teaching the children.


Self Evaluation and Communication

My notes were roughly the same with my partners as we were both commenting on how he could of been a bit more disciplined more and they were getting distracted, and if he tried a different teaching approach they might have behaved more and been more obedient and respectful towards him. My partner agreed with […]

My notes were roughly the same with my partners as we were both commenting on how he could of been a bit more disciplined more and they were getting distracted, and if he tried a different teaching approach they might have behaved more and been more obedient and respectful towards him. My partner agreed with this and thought this was the best approach to go forward with the situation.

Nothing surprised me in the notes, the only thing that we were discussing when doing the task was how the effects of his body language was affecting his teaching. This then became a discussion about the importance of body language and if you don’t have the right and proper body language the children would sense that and they thrive on that opportunity.

I found this task average, as it was a good experience for me to be able to watch and observe the teacher and also take the mistakes that was pointed out for my own sake, so I could improve and think about them when I begin to teaching the class and how important certain aspects are if you want a appropriate manner in your class.

I believe I am clear about the difference between feedback and judgement as feedback is helpful and is there to make you improve and do things different that could help you. Where as judgement is criticism and there to point out that you are doing wrong.

The importance of body language would be the one thing that I would like to remember and be able to approve during my time at placement over the next coming weeks.

I am really excited about placement and really looking forward to seeing the things we’ve learned in class been brought to life.

Self- Evaluation Task

Firstly, while comparing my observation checklist with my partners I noticed we had similar views on the areas of strength shown by the teacher and the areas that could be […]

Firstly, while comparing my observation checklist with my partners I noticed we had similar views on the areas of strength shown by the teacher and the areas that could be improved. Although, something that surprised me while watching the videos is how often we may not recognise how our pupils are responding to our lessons until we receive feedback. I found it interesting that one teacher regularly recorder her lessons so she could easily identify the methods of teaching her students responded to and the methods they didn’t.

After watching the videos, I feel I gained vital knowledge into the importance of feedback and self-evaluation during my teaching career. It is clear the only way we can truly improve our practice is if we reflect on our areas of strengths and work to improve our areas of weakness. If all we are told for feedback is that our work is satisfactory we can never develop and improve as we feel what we are doing is adequate. Bill Gates Ted Talk spoke on how studies have shown that countries who result in the best academic performance provide their teachers with feedback. Thus, this allows teachers to constantly improve throughout their career, resulting in their learners being provided with the best education.

While the videos spoke on the importance of self-evaluation, they also stressed the importance of feedback from our peers / mentors through peer observation. Peer observation provides teachers with an insight into how our teaching methods are being received from a learner point of view and allows us to see which teaching methods are is effective for learners and which methods they interact with best. However, while peer observation and feedback is important, how we receive feedback from others is vital if we are to develop our practice. It is vital to remember to always receive feedback constructively and look at it as a positive way to improve so we can go on to provide our learners with better education. Therefore, when we provide feedback for our peers, which we will experience during placement, it is important to remember to always give constructive feedback and while we should give our peers areas of improvement we should never judge.



Situated Communication Task – independent Study task 16th October

Once I had done these tasks I partnered up with Rachael to discuss our notes. Our notes on the strengths and areas for improvement were very similar, we both caught on to the fact that the teacher crouched over quite a lot while teaching and talking with the children. This is quite a negative body … Continue reading Situated Communication Task – independent Study task 16th October

Once I had done these tasks I partnered up with Rachael to discuss our notes. Our notes on the strengths and areas for improvement were very similar, we both caught on to the fact that the teacher crouched over quite a lot while teaching and talking with the children. This is quite a negative body language and doesn’t show that he is engaged in what they are saying and looks unprofessional.

I found it surprising that teachers regularly video their lessons. I have never seen or heard of this happening before. It was also surprising how much doing this helped the teacher to know what they needed to improve on and for them to quickly do so.  I did not find my partners observations surprising as we both had similar responses to the tasks that had been set.

I found the tasks that were set reasonably difficult but manageable. I was able to do the tasks but they required some thought and discussion to look deeper into what the messages being conveyed were saying.

The difference between feedback and judgement is that feedback is pointing out the good and the bad things but with a constructive side to it, so any negative feedback given is given in a way to help the person improve. Whereas judgement is just pointing out the negative in a way to hurt or bring down the person instead of helping them.

If I was to take one idea from this task to placement I would take the idea of allowing a class to have discussions between themselves but only in a controlled environment and when I feel as though the class is calm and concentrated enough to do so. When I go into teaching lessons I would consider recording some of my lessons to self evaluate my own teaching styles and the things I need to improve on.

I am feeling very nervous to start placement but at the same time excited to get to observe the teacher teaching and getting to interact with the pupils.

Interdependence Learning Log Sustainable Development

Interdependence is known as the way two or more people and things depend on one another. As part of the topic we were able to go visit two different farms on week 1 that has a variety of differences on how the farms are run, making seeing both of these satisfying to see these. When … Continue reading Interdependence Learning Log Sustainable Development

Interdependence is known as the way two or more people and things depend on one another. As part of the topic we were able to go visit two different farms on week 1 that has a variety of differences on how the farms are run, making seeing both of these satisfying to see these. When teaching this topic at any age group going on a visit to a farm would be beneficial in the development of pupils knowledge on interdependence. Many places offer education professionals a range of resources, helping the planning and assessing of this topic and trips  to farms.

However, week 2 was a more intellectual and required a lot of knowledge from different academic readings, and websites given to us to help further our learning. Through doing these readings this has helped me develop many skills such as analysing texts and use of different resources as this is something I tend to find challenging. For our independent task we were to work in groups and make piktocharts informing us of the sustainability of fishing. Working in groups was to help us communicate with one another developing our social skills, as becoming teachers requires working with staff and colleagues happens on a daily basis. Everyone within the group took a topic to research and analysis before bringing together our information, meaning each individual had the opportunity to build on their analysing skills. Due to this task it has help me understand the areas where I am struggling but also how some of my skills are improving.


Interdependence is when two or more living things rely on each other to grow in their environment. There are three components of interdependence, they include: economic interdependence, social interdependence and environmental interdependence. Economic interdependence includes the global market and trading. The living things in any economic system must be involved in a trading system to … Continue reading Interdependence

Interdependence is when two or more living things rely on each other to grow in their environment. There are three components of interdependence, they include: economic interdependence, social interdependence and environmental interdependence.

Economic interdependence includes the global market and trading. The living things in any economic system must be involved in a trading system to get access to products they cannot produce efficiently for themselves.

Social interdependence includes cultural integration and the  interaction of theory. The level of interaction from species determines the outcomes.

Environmental interdependence includes the involvement from the wider world. The relationship between every species and their physical environment is important. All living things a function which they must fulfil in sustaining the web of life.

For our directed study tasks we were directed to make an infographic using Piktochart about sustainable seas. The infographic included, biodiversity, economy and industry, community impact and political elements. I have linked a picture above of the infographic and all the information we learned about sustainable seas.

This directed study task was very beneficial, I learned how to use Piktochart to create an infographic with information as well as making it look easy on the eye. I was able to summarise mass information which we found online into the key points for the infographic. This task also allowed me to improve my team working and communication skills. As we were in a group of four we took one aspect each and found the information, then shared it with one another and created the infographic. This not only saved time but allowed us the opportunity to teach each other what we had discovered on the topics. All the skills used and developed in this task will be effective in my development as a teacher.



Climate Change Learning Log

The last two week we have spent our time looking at Climate Change and the best way to teach it. Whilst many people try to deny the existence or the major issues surrounding Climate Change,  the evidence and the devastating effects are hugely prominent. Due to the nature of this topic and the fact that … Continue reading Climate Change Learning Log

The last two week we have spent our time looking at Climate Change and the best way to teach it.

Whilst many people try to deny the existence or the major issues surrounding Climate Change,  the evidence and the devastating effects are hugely prominent.

Due to the nature of this topic and the fact that it has such a large topic base, it is more appropriate to explore in depth with second level students rather than first level.

In our lecture we looked at a brief introduction to teaching climate change and the main issues surrounding the topic itself and the issues that can occur when going to teach it. Our first workshop looked at further links with politics and policies. We looked in depth at how climate change affected people in certain case studies and what their governments could do to support them.

Our last workshop was a practical workshop with a range of science experiments we could use in a classroom to further consolidate the physical features of climate change. These activities were very beneficial to my understanding in both how to teach climate change and an insight to the physical factors.

Developing New Skills

The Sustainable Development module has developed my skills and knowledge not only as a learner but as a student teacher. One aspect of university i find challenging is academic reading, and summarising the main points. Some readings we are given are often lengthy and i often zone out quickly. However, after an input from the academic […]

The Sustainable Development module has developed my skills and knowledge not only as a learner but as a student teacher. One aspect of university i find challenging is academic reading, and summarising the main points. Some readings we are given are often lengthy and i often zone out quickly. However, after an input from the academic skills advisor i was able to pick up key skills that would help me with reading such as reading paragraph’s in chunks, using a highlighter to identify the main points and researching points further that i don’t understand.

Today’s independent study task involved summarising information and to use this information to create a Piktochart. We had to work collaboratively as a team to gather the information from different sources such as videos, academic readings and various articles. I found it difficult to pick out what information was useful and relevant for the piktochart. As there were 5 of us in a group, we all took on the roll of researching 1 source each, taking notes, and then we brought our information together. The other students in my group were very supportive and helped me to understand different concepts i did not understand.

Another skill i developed through this task was my digital literacy skills. In university we often come across new online resources such as Padlet and Glow. Its often difficult to get to grips with new formats and up to date technology. Working with others allows me to ask questions and familiarise myself with new resources.

Overall, i find that i develop skills as a learner that i can use as a student teacher in the classroom. I will be able to pass these skills onto the children in the classroom to allow sufficient learning.


“I have the opportunity and freedom to choose and explore ways that I can move rhythmically, expressively and playfully”. (Scottish Government, 2004, p5). In this week’s workshop we had the opportunity to take part in a dance lesson. We took part and lots of introductory games that would be perfect to use in a primary […]

“I have the opportunity and freedom to choose and explore ways that I can move rhythmically, expressively and playfully”. (Scottish Government, 2004, p5).

In this week’s workshop we had the opportunity to take part in a dance lesson. We took part and lots of introductory games that would be perfect to use in a primary school setting. We began by writing down how we felt about dance, and if we would feel confident enough to lead the learning in this aspect of the curriculum. I felt fairly confident as i have took part in dance classes since the age of 6 and i am was also a British champion cheerleader.

Key skills that i learned through this input is to perform infant of a large audience. At first i felt embarrassed as i had to perform infant of my peers, however i quickly got used to the pressure and began to enjoy the freedom of dance. I think dance is a great way to express emotion, feelings and it also brings enjoyment to your life.

Through this input we also seen how dance can be cooperated in other parts in the curriculum. We learned about different body parts to help learn about warming up and cooling down without harming the body. This could tie into Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing and Biology.


Scottish Government (2004) Curriculum for Excellence. [Online] Available : [Accessesed : 20th October 2017].

Self Evaluation Study Task

After watching the videos, I feel I am more aware of the importance of self-evaluation. I understand that the only way to improve and move forward is to take time to reflect on how well you did something and what you could improve for future. Without taking the time to look back and evaluate, you … Continue reading Self Evaluation Study Task

After watching the videos, I feel I am more aware of the importance of self-evaluation. I understand that the only way to improve and move forward is to take time to reflect on how well you did something and what you could improve for future. Without taking the time to look back and evaluate, you may stunt your professional progression. It is hard to get into the habit of self-evaluating. It can seem a little unnatural and uncomfortable, but the rewards definitely make it worthwhile and it doesn’t take long to get the hang of it.

With placement fast approaching, it will be useful for me to take time to reflect on how I perform when I am there, and what aspects could do with some improving. I know that it is okay to make mistakes (which is very likely in your first placement), as long as we learn from them. Hopefully this will mean I get the most out of my time at placement. Placement is an exciting but nerve-racking time, so it is important to use time efficiently and make sure we benefit from our time at school.

From watching the videos, I understand not only that self-evalutaion is important but also that peer evaluation is also key. A lot of the time, someone else can pick up on things you don’t notice. A second pair of eyes can catch things that may have slipped through the net. It is important for a peer or mentor to be encouraging, by giving praise as well as areas to improve. The videos talked about how vital it is for a trainee and mentor to have a good relationship of respect and understanding, in order to give effective feedback. I think it is also important that we, as teachers, are comfortable receiving feedback and don’t take it personally – we all want to be the best we can be professionally, and the only way to achieve this is through evaluation and reflection. We should make sure when we are reporting back to a trainee or peer, that we give constructive criticism and feedback, rather than judgement.

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