Integrated Arts Week 7

Today in the drama workshop we looked at the story called ‘The Tunnel” which was introduced by the lecturer. The workshop started off by the lecture reading us part of this story, about a bother and sister who were so different and did not get alone well at all due to this. The brother loved … Continue reading Integrated Arts Week 7

Today in the drama workshop we looked at the story called ‘The Tunnel” which was introduced by the lecturer. The workshop started off by the lecture reading us part of this story, about a bother and sister who were so different and did not get alone well at all due to this. The brother loved to go out and play with his friends whereas the sister would stay in and read alone. In our groups we were introduced into the next five drama conventions we would be using in our workshop.

The first drama convention we done in our workshop was Role on the Wall in this we had to draw the outline of both the boy and the girl character from the story. We then had to write on the outside of the outline what me though about each character and on the inside of the drawing what the character through of themselves.

After this activity we then continued on reading and discover the brother and sister arguing with one another not getting along. So the mother sends them out to play with one another where they discover a tunnel. The brother wants to go through but the sister is unsure and scared.

The second drama convention we looked at in the workshop was mime. For this in our groups we had to act of what we thought would happen next in the story. If the sister decided to follow her brother through the tunnel or did she stay where she was because she was too scared.

We then continued on to look at the third drama convention, which was thought tracking. For this drama convention we had act out why we through both brother and sister act the way they do. Then two people from each group had to stand forward and discuss their reasons for this.

Finally we moved onto our last drama convention being vox pop. For the we had to interview brother and sister before they entered the tunnel and after they entered the tunnel to see how they had changed and grown to like one another. This allows children to “express emotions and communicate with others” (McAuliffe 2007 p27).

In today’s dance workshop it started off with games such as tig, splat and the number game were all students had to link different body parts. From this we then moved onto different stretches so no one would get hurt. Continuing on in the workshop we then told the theme of our workshop would be Halloween. In the groups we worked in the previous dance workshop we were given a picture to use as a stimulus to create a dance move. In my group we were given a picture of a ghost.

Using the dances created in our groups from the previous dance workshop we then went and added different formats to make the dance slightly different than before. The full section then came together to create a full then all groups had the opportunity to showcase the dance they created.

Both workshop linked together it allowed us all to take part in active activities to express oneself and build upon individuals confidence. Both workshops today would work as lesson ideas, which would be engaging for pupils. As dance is “one of the most powerful experiences dance educators can offer children is opportunity to create a dance that reflects their ideas” (Cone 2009).


Cone (2009) Following Their Lead: Supporting Children’s Ideas for Creating Dances

McAuliffe, D (2007) Foundation and Primary Settings. In Teaching Art and Design 3-11. (Edited by Sue Cox, Robert Watts, Judy Grahame, Steve Herne and Diarmuid McAuliffe). London: Continuum.


“Through drama, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment” (Scottish Government, 2004). Out of the various concepts we have learnt about in drama tutorials my favourite is ‘voice in the head’. This is where during a drama a specific character would step forward and speak about their thoughts, feelings […]

“Through drama, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment” (Scottish Government, 2004). Out of the various concepts we have learnt about in drama tutorials my favourite is ‘voice in the head’. This is where during a drama a specific character would step forward and speak about their thoughts, feelings […]

Comment on Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback by Catriona Oates

Well done Orianne – you’ve clearly benefitted from this task and now have new knowledge to take into placement – good work! Thanks for including the references – a very good habit to start.

Well done Orianne – you’ve clearly benefitted from this task and now have new knowledge to take into placement – good work! Thanks for including the references – a very good habit to start.

Integrated Arts Week 5

Visual Arts This week, we looked at how we can extend an art activity by reducing our Windows in the West print, and creating a black and white photocopy, which we then used to create a pen drawing extending from the print image. The importance of continuation in art was emphasised, as all too often …

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Visual Arts This week, we looked at how we can extend an art activity by reducing our Windows in the West print, and creating a black and white photocopy, which we then used to create a pen drawing extending from the print image. The importance of continuation in art was emphasised, as all too often …

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Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback

After watching the video with my group (Bethany and Shauna) we compared our notes which were closely affiliated. From watching the video, we viewed the teacher as speaking at a suitable volume and pace while using language appropriate to the age and stage of children in the group. However, from the video, it was recognised …

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After watching the video with my group (Bethany and Shauna) we compared our notes which were closely affiliated. From watching the video, we viewed the teacher as speaking at a suitable volume and pace while using language appropriate to the age and stage of children in the group. However, from the video, it was recognised that he was sitting down and due to this negative portrayal of his overall body language, there was a lack of attention from the class. As discussed in our group, we thought that an area of improvement would be stand up as this will be more convincing for the children of his stance and key signal of authority. The teacher therefore has areas of improvement in the non-verbal communication. From this video, we realised the importance of reflecting and receiving feedback on your practice.

Throughout the video, I was really shocked that the teacher did not stand up in front of his class, to the point where the classroom environment was relaxed and this is possibly why he struggled to gain the children’s attention. Whilst conducting these tasks, I did not struggle. I enjoyed watching the videos as it will help me with my own practice. I am clear upon the differences of feedback and judgement.

I did not find this study task difficult, instead I found it useful as I will take this experience of observation forward to placement which will assist personal reflection and peer observation.

I am looking forward to placement as I enjoy being in a classroom environment. I have always had positive experiences throughout my voluntary placements throughout high school, so I am looking forward to further observe new and exciting teaching methods which I can reflect upon and put into my own practice.

Reference List:

TED Talks Education (2013) BILL GATES: Teachers need real feedback[Online] Available at:

Behaviour2Learn (2011) Behaving With Cowley – Classroom Routines[Online] Available at:

EDCHAT (2013) Relationships for Learning – Effective Feedback [Online] Available at:

Integrated Arts Week 4

Visual Arts This week, we were introduced to Scottish artist Avril Paton’s 1993 painting ‘Window’s in the West’, currently on display at Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Gallery. As Paton is a modern artist, we were able to view a video of her talking about the painting online. This is something that I will keep in mind in …

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Visual Arts This week, we were introduced to Scottish artist Avril Paton’s 1993 painting ‘Window’s in the West’, currently on display at Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Gallery. As Paton is a modern artist, we were able to view a video of her talking about the painting online. This is something that I will keep in mind in …

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Self Evaluation- Independent Task

I compared my notes with my partner after we watched the video and found that they were very similar. One area of improvement which we both noticed, was that at times it was difficult for him to get the pupils attention, this could be improved by better posture and more eye-contact. We can both see … Continue reading “Self Evaluation- Independent Task”

I compared my notes with my partner after we watched the video and found that they were very similar. One area of improvement which we both noticed, was that at times it was difficult for him to get the pupils attention, this could be improved by better posture and more eye-contact. We can both see how useful it is to observe others whilst teaching as we can then see what works and what doesn’t in a classroom environment.

I was surprised that the teacher wasn’t standing when talking to the class as that could have caused the problems he had with the children paying attention as he gave off a very relaxed vibe. My partner also noticed this and we discussed how this would be improved through better body language.

I did not find this task hard as it allowed me to observe the way a certain teacher teaches and take out both the positive and negatives of it for when I am teaching.

I understand the difference between judgement and feedback as judgement tends to be more critical and doesn’t really help in improving possible mistakes made, whilst feedback is crucial in developing our skills and reflecting on them. Feedback is usually mainly positives with areas for improvement.

If I could only take one idea from these tasks it would be that I would be very open to feedback and understand that it’s a way for me to improve my teaching skills.

I am really looking forward to placement as I think it will be really beneficial in seeing how the things we have done at university so far are coming into practice but also to see the different ways teachers approach teaching the children.


Learning Log – Interdependence

Interdependence is the way in which two or more living things depends on each other to grow and remain healthy. For our first week of this topic, we went to visit two farms. My favourite thing about the farm visits was … Continue reading

Interdependence is the way in which two or more living things depends on each other to grow and remain healthy. For our first week of this topic, we went to visit two farms. My favourite thing about the farm visits was … Continue reading

Self Evaluation and Communication

My notes were roughly the same with my partners as we were both commenting on how he could of been a bit more disciplined more and they were getting distracted, and if he tried a different teaching approach they might have behaved more and been more obedient and respectful towards him. My partner agreed with […]

My notes were roughly the same with my partners as we were both commenting on how he could of been a bit more disciplined more and they were getting distracted, and if he tried a different teaching approach they might have behaved more and been more obedient and respectful towards him. My partner agreed with this and thought this was the best approach to go forward with the situation.

Nothing surprised me in the notes, the only thing that we were discussing when doing the task was how the effects of his body language was affecting his teaching. This then became a discussion about the importance of body language and if you don’t have the right and proper body language the children would sense that and they thrive on that opportunity.

I found this task average, as it was a good experience for me to be able to watch and observe the teacher and also take the mistakes that was pointed out for my own sake, so I could improve and think about them when I begin to teaching the class and how important certain aspects are if you want a appropriate manner in your class.

I believe I am clear about the difference between feedback and judgement as feedback is helpful and is there to make you improve and do things different that could help you. Where as judgement is criticism and there to point out that you are doing wrong.

The importance of body language would be the one thing that I would like to remember and be able to approve during my time at placement over the next coming weeks.

I am really excited about placement and really looking forward to seeing the things we’ve learned in class been brought to life.

Situated Communication – Feedback – Independant Study Task – 16/10/17

For this study task, we were required to work as a pair, myself and my partner found that our points matched in many places with very minimalist disagreement. With relation to the prompts provided the following conclusion can generally be applied; The more eager a teacher is at accepting feedback and criticism, the better they …

For this study task, we were required to work as a pair, myself and my partner found that our points matched in many places with very minimalist disagreement. With relation to the prompts provided the following conclusion can generally be applied;
The more eager a teacher is at accepting feedback and criticism, the better they will become. By accepting their own good and bad habits, and forming new techniques with regards to their communication skills when integrating with pupils.
In the videos, I was not surprised by anything said or presented, however I do believe that for the teacher in the second video he could have been more open with his body language. All information presented in the videos was like information from the course so far. I think that is due to the topic of communication being very similar no matter who you ask or how you approach it.
I found the task simple and straightforward, however the blog post to me is difficult as you need to conceptualise what you’re going to say. Feedback is where you get information back and can be associated with criticism. Whereas, judgement is typically a one-way street where usually one person tells you all the things you did wrong.
The one thing I would keep in mind on placement is to keep an open body language always, to prevent children turning away from you.
Finally, I feel phenomenal about placement and can’t wait for it to start!

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