How Confident are your Learners when it comes to Careers in STEM?

STEM is an acronym that we are no stranger to in the context of Education and Developing the Young Work Force (DYW) these days, but are we exposing young people enough to the wide variety of careers in STEM?

It is an umbrella term that covers so many different employment sectors and career opportunities, that, as adults, even we can stumble upon job roles within STEM that we were unaware existed.

The rapid growth in digital and technology only adds to this, with new and exciting roles being created all the time that didn’t exist when we were at school.

How can we share future opportunities with young people if the career they may end up in doesn’t even exist yet?

Due to the growth in STEM that has happened and is expected to expand, it can be understandably overwhelming to consider a meaningful discussion on the topic, but with that comes a thread of excitement. Young people have almost endless opportunities within STEM and the real challenge is to introduce them to these opportunities that they may not have associated with the label ‘STEM’!

Where do you start with discussing STEM Careers with young people?

This could be something as simple as throwing a job title up on the board and starting a discussion with your class; allowing young people to share their perceptions and thoughts on that career choice.  Of course, you would have to have some knowledge of that job in order to promote discussion and to answer the questions the young people are bound to ask!

Activities like this don’t need to take up a large amount of teaching and learning time, but they can still have a large impact on a young person’s future.

To help you, the Academy9 team have put together a Kahoot! Quiz on STEM Careers to help you give your young people more exposure to the potential that STEM could play in their future and start some DYW conversations in your classroom. Who doesn’t love a Kahoot!?

Host the live Academy9 STEM Careers Kahoot in your classroom now or list it as a favourite for later!

We are always looking to partner with schools in Scotland. If you would be interested in seeing how we could partner with your school please contact us.

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