September 2, 2016
by User deactivated

STEM Insight


STEM Insight

Immerse yourself in the world of industry and university


The STEM Insight programme, run by the National STEM Learning Centre, offers you an invaluable chance to experience STEM-related work in industrial or university settings and learn more about diverse career paths and opportunities.

Insight into industry

During a placement, develop your knowledge of STEM careers and routes for your students to progress into STEM-related employment. Work with world-leading employers across a range of STEM industries such as manufacturing, engineering, medical, computing and many others.

Insight into university

Spend time in a leading UK university and learn about the latest cutting edge research in your field. Support your students as they make the transition to university.

Why should I?

    • gain first-hand experience and up-to-date knowledge of the range of STEM related careers and the progression routes available you will be supported by a tailored package of face-to-face and online CPD
    • you will be supported by a tailored package of face-to-face and online CPD enrich your teaching of the STEM curriculum by linking to careers
    • enrich your teaching of the STEM curriculum by linking to careers
    • help your students to make better informed choices about their futures
    • make long-term links with employers and universities
    • build a network of industry/university experts and share your knowledge across schools and colleges
    • be part of the nationwide drive to improve careers education

Contact for more details

This is made possible by the generous support of our partners in Project ENTHUSE: the Wellcome Trust, Department for Education, BAE Systems, Biochemical Society, BP, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Rolls-Royce, Royal Commission for the 1851 Exhibition, Institution of Structural Engineers, IBM and the Royal Society of Chemistry.


September 2, 2016
by User deactivated

Free STEM event for women aged 15 – 22 in Glasgow

Monster Confidence logoStemettes are running a “Monster Confidence” event at Glasgow University on the 8th September for women  who may be interested in STEM careers.

The aim is to give girls and young women aged 15 – 22 a boost of ‘Monster Confidence’ for pursuing careers in STEM.  The half day sessions offer a packed schedule of workshops, opportunities to meet the industry and inspirational content, including keynotes by Professor Muffy Calder and Jenni Doonan.

The tour is in partnership with Monster, the jobs and skills company, and sponsored by Rolls Royce, Salesforce, Deutsche Bank, Accenture and the University of Glasgow. The day will involve mock interviews, speed mentoring and exhibits, and should be fun!

September 1, 2016
by User deactivated

SSERC – Effective Demonstrations in Teaching


Effective Demonstrations in Teaching

10-11 March 2017 (Part 1)

and 22 May 2017 (Part 2)


Demonstrations can be used to enrich understanding across the sciences. This course will provide you with opportunities and ideas that will enhance your teaching.Picture1 We will focus on the use of demonstrations in chemistry teaching from S1-S6. The course is open to teachers at all stages of their career but will be of particular value to those who have recently qualified. We warmly welcome applications from both teachers and technicians.


We will use the laboratory facilities at SSERC in Dunfermline. Meals and overnight accommodation (10/3/2017) will be provided.


A detailed programme will be available at   Only 15 places are available, so early application is advised.

Picture2The course fee is £480 to include meals, accommodation and course materials. Local Authority schools and FE colleges will be entitled to receive an ENTHUSE Award of £540 to cover the cost of the course. This grant is administered through the National Science Learning Centre. Only 15 places are available, so early application is advised.

Apply on-line at:









August 31, 2016
by User deactivated

Leading for Excellence in Science



Leading for Excellence in Science

13-16 November 2016 & 12-13 March 2017

Develop your leadership and management skills to develop a constantly improving department or faculty

Curriculum for Excellence aims to bring about transformational change and en-sure the best possible education for our children and young people. The Scottish Government recognises the pivotal role of science within CfE. Management structures in schools and colleges are diverse resulting in posts of responsibility for science faculties and combinations of science subjects as well as principal teachers of biology, chemistry and physics. As a consequence of these factors and the increasing emphasis on the need for teachers to take increased responsibility for what they teach and their own self evaluation, the role of science leaders has never been more important. L1020121

This course is aimed at all of those who have, or aspire to have, responsibility for leading science education in their establishments.
Although some leadership skills are generic, there are aspects of science education which require specific leadership skills and have particular management responsibilities. These particular responsibilities, as well as wider leadership issues, will be considered in science specific contexts.

The course will be held at SSERC in Dunfermline with accommodation being provided at the King Malcolm Hotel


August 31, 2016
by User deactivated

SSERC Chemistry Residential



SSERC Chemistry Residential

Thursday 6th – Saturday 8th October 2016
Friday 3rd – Saturday 4th March 2017

Building on the success of previous events, this course will focus on CfE Senior Phase. Through the programme, a detailed copy of which will be available at, we offer a range of activities with a focus on practical work. Combined with opportunities for professional networking, the course offers an excellent way of keeping up-to-date with developments in your subject area.

We will use the laboratory facilities at SSERC in Dunfermline. Figure 01

All meals and overnight accommodation at the nearby King Malcolm Hotel are included in the Course Fee of £100.

Only 20 places are available, so early application is advised.

Funding from the Scottish Government allows us to provide each delegate with equipment and teaching resources with a value of some £200 to help with the implementation of activities in your school. During part 2 of the residential we will ask you to share with your fellow participants your experiences of using these resources in your classroom.


August 31, 2016
by User deactivated

SSERC Biology Residential

Biology Residential

Part 1: Thursday 27 October – Saturday 29 October 2016
Part 2: Friday 24 – Saturday 25 March 2017

Building on the success of previous events, this course will focus on CfE Senior Phase. Through the programme, a detailed copy of which is available at, we offer a range of  activities with a focus on practical work. Combined with opportunities for professional networking, the course offers an excellent way of keeping up-to-date with developments in your subject area.

We will use the laboratory facilities at SSERC in Dunfermline.

All meals and overnight accommodation at the nearby King Malcolm Hotel are included in the Course Fee of £100.

Only 20 places are available, so early application is advised. Funding from the Scottish Government allows us to provide each delegate with equipment and teaching resources with a value of some £200 to help the implementation of activities in your school.

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During part 2 of the residential we will ask you to share with your fellow participants your experiences of using these resources in your classroom.

See for more details   New_logo

August 28, 2016
by I. Menzies

Sign up for Citizen Science trip to Germany

Plastic piratesHow bad is plastic waste pollution in flowing waterways? And what impact does this have on our seas and oceans? Visit Germany for a citizen science project and work with your partner school to find the answers.

From 16 September to 18 November 2016, school classes will become research teams in order to study the presence and spread of plastic waste in and around German rivers and coastal areas.

UK schools are invited to travel to Germany during this period to be a part of this exciting and informative experience. In a joint project week, British and German Plastic Pirates can join forces to tackle key environmental questions and strengthen their partnerships.

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research has agreed to bear the travel and accommodation costs incurred by British partner schools who take part in the project.

The United Kingdom and Germany have long had close ties in the field of marine research. The UK is now the partner country for Science Year 2016*17. The two countries are working together to research, use and protect the world’s seas and oceans.

If you would like more information about the Plastic Pirates Project and a potential trip to Germany then visit: and see the flyer below.

Find out more about the Plastic Pirates Project


August 25, 2016
by I. Menzies

National Mathematics and Numeracy Hub

MathsNumeracyThe National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub is a virtual learning environment on Glow for all practitioners, providing an innovative approach to career-long professional learning across all sectors.

Please join us this session for our up-coming CLPL broadcasts which are detailed below:



Module / Session Description Most relevant level
06/09/16 Module 26 Education Scotland Update 3-18
13/09/16 Module 27

1 of 8

SSLN Session 1: Fractions, Decimal Fractions and Percentages – P4 First Level
20/09/16 Module 27

2 of 8

SSLN Session 2: Fractions, Decimal Fractions and Percentages – P7 Second Level
27/09/16 Module 27

3 of 8

SSLN Session 3: Fractions, Decimal Fractions and Percentages – S2 Third Level
1/11/16 Module 27

4 of 8

SSLN Session 4: Estimating and Rounding 3-15
08/11/16 Module 27

5 of 8

SSLN Session 5: Chance and Uncertainty 3-15
15/11/16 Module 28

1 of 2

Using Census Data Session 1: Statistics in Context Primary and Secondary
22/11/16 Module 28

2 of 2

Using Census Data Session 2: Statistics in Context Primary and Secondary
29/11/16 Module 29 Use of the National Mathematics Working Group Materials Secondary
6/12/16 Module 30 SQA Update : Key Messages Secondary


Please note that the National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub and the Numeracy and Mathematics professional learning community is merging!  We have also updated our conversation area to a Yammer blog.  Please join us on the hub to sign up for Yammer and to join our discussion.

August 25, 2016
by I. Menzies

STEM and DYW at Scottish Learning Festival 2016

SLFScotland’s key educational event is taking place on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 September in the SECC, Glasgow and there is loads of great practice to hear about in relation to Developing the Young Workforce and STEM.

Download our STEM/DYW guide below:

DYW and STEM seminars at SLF 2016

SLF is the only free national education event in Scotland that has something on offer for everyone involved in Scottish education and offers a unique combination of networking, engagement and professional learning.

The theme of this year’s event focuses on promoting excellence and equity for all through:

  • School leadership and school improvement • Assessing children’s progress and parental engagement • Teacher professionalism

SLF 2016 is free for everyone to attend and gives you access to:

  • Internationally renowned keynote speakers • Over 100 professional development seminars where you can engage in activities and learn from practitioners and young people • Debate and discussion at professional discussion sessions • Over 100 exhibitors in Scotland’s largest education exhibition • Scotland’s largest education exhibition with over 100 exhibitors showcasing educational resources • Opportunities for discussion and professional networking with colleagues from across Scotland and further afield

The keynote speakers at this year’s SLF are:

  • John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills  • Dr Yong Zhao, Presidential Chair and Director of the Institute for Global and Online Education in the College of Education, University of Oregon • Prof Carol Campbell, Associate Professor, Ontario Institute of Education, University of Toronto • Mark Beaumont, TV presenter and broadcaster, record-breaking round the world cyclist and ultra-endurance adventurer

To allow for more debate and discussion, the programme will once again feature three professional discussions.  Discussions will focus on;

  • Early learning and childcare • 3-18 curriculum pathways • The Scottish Attainment Challenge

For information on the full SLF conference programme, including details of all the sessions on offer and details of how to book your place, visit the SLF website


August 24, 2016
by I. Menzies

Girls into STEM New York-style!

FOrla 1ind out how one girl from Scotland got on in New York this summer following her participation in a global STEM Programme promoted by Education Scotland in partnership with the New York Academy of Sciences. Watch this space for further information about year 2 of the programme.

When I first found out that I was participating in the ‘1000 Girls, 1000 Futures’ New York Academy of Sciences programme, I was so filled with excitement!  I never realised opportunities like this would be available for a young person living in Scotland interested in STEM.    During the programme, each girl is paired with a mentor, a female in the STEM field.  Throughout the year I have had video calls with my mentor and completed the four modules of work:  critical thinking; college readiness; leadership; and communication.  This work has helped me to develop further vital skills needed for a career in the STEM field.

My mentor, Victoria, who lives in Los Angeles, is studying for her PhD in chemical engineering; this was perfect for me as that is the course I hoped that I would be taking the following year at university. We have had monthly video calls and she has given me a lot of helpful advice towards choosing a university and about the course itself.

As Victoria lives on the other side of America, she did not have the opportunity that I had to attend the NYAS Global Summit in New York, from 26- 28 July this summer, at World Trade Center 7, where the Academy is based.

On the first day, there were two activities for us to complete in teams. First we had a speaker, ‘JackieOProblems” who taught us the value of using social media to our advantage in a career in STEM by making yourself a brand. This allows employers to see a more rounded person and could make you more employable.

The second activity was about ‘smart houses’ and in our teams, we were given a room of the house to focus on. In that room we had to think about all the ways that technology could be used in a house to make lives easier.

orla 2The following day, we had the opportunity to listen to four panels talking about different issues surrounding STEM. Each panelist was an expert in their own field so it was interesting to hear their thoughts on each topic and be able to ask them questions. The four panels were called: Collaboration: The Key to Unlocking Innovation; Where Will the Jobs Be?; Working Scientifically, Thinking Ethically; and ‘Beyond Borders: The New STEM Workplace’. Although each panel covered a different issue in STEM, what I found really fascinating was where each expert started their career and where they are now. Most of the experts started their career in a completely different field. This taught me that you really can do anything you want to do and not to let even your university degree define you.

On the final day, we went on a field trip in New York City. The trip that I chose was to the Rockefeller University where we got the opportunity to view their labs. We saw an electron microscope and we were shown the procedures put in place to make sure the readings from the microscope were accurate. For example the whole room that contained this huge microscope had to be sound proof as the smallest sound would void the readings.

When we returned to the NYAS, we had the opportunity to listen to a final panel discussion on ‘Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Through Science Technology and Innovation’. These goals are set up by the United Nations and include gender equality, clean water and quality education. We learned about the importance of being innovative when trying to improve the quality of people’s lives. We were also encouraged to work with partners when problem solving. After the panel discussion, there were boards set up with each goal on it where we were encouraged to write our thoughts are each goal and why each one was important.

What truly amazed me about this programme was how global it is. I feel so lucky to have spent time with such inspiring girls and I now have a network of friends across the world. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I appreciate how fortunate I have been to have participated in this programme.

Orla Nimmo

East Dunbartonshire Council

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