Tag Archives: creativity

New support for young people to gain vocational qualifications and to work in the arts and creative industries

Up to 23, year-long, paid Modern Apprenticeships with arts organisations aimed at young people aged 16 to 20 will be created in a partnership between Creative Scotland, Young Scot, Creative & Cultural Skills Scotland and Creative Skillset.

Young people taking part in the Modern Apprenticeships will study for vocational qualifications while gaining professional experience working for an arts organisation. Creative Scotland will offer employers up to £8,000 towards the salary of each apprentice, enabling organisations to provide positions.

For more information about the scheme, click here

Resonate – Artist in Residency, University of Aberdeen

Resonate is a strategic initiative, funded by Creative Scotland, that has been developed by the University of Aberdeen in partnership with the Arts Education Team at Aberdeen City Council, and aims to place creativity at the heart of the continuous professional development of teachers, student teachers and University teacher educators.

The initiative is seeking applications from artists interesting in applying for the residency. Deadline for submissions Wednesday 30th January, 5pm.

Further information is available on the Creative Scotland website

Starcatchers Silly Moments – January 24

On Thursday 24 January, to celebrate Global Belly Laugh Day and the launch of Suzanne Zeedyk’s new films which show the ways in which young children connect with the world around them, Starcatchers will be holding a series of ‘Silly Moments’ in Shopping Centres and other public spaces in Dundee, Glenrothes, Edinburgh, Hamilton and Barrhead. Starcatchers’ Artists will be in each area to engage with the public, try to make them laugh and take part in a Silly Moment.

Starcatchers are looking for support from local partner organisations or individuals in these areas who can help with these events on 24 January. Download this document for further information: SZ Starcatchers – info for local partners

Calderglen High School – Excellent example of CfE

Inspectors find excellent example of Curriculum for Excellence implementation at Calderglen High School

Calderglen High School in East Kilbride has become the first secondary school in Scotland to have its curriculum evaluated as ‘excellent’ by inspectors since the issue of updated guidelines by Education Scotland which reflect the increased expectations now applying as a result of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence up to S3.  The school was inspected in November 2012.

The inspection of Calderglen found the following key strengths:

  • The invaluable contribution of partnerships and innovation.
  • The school’s holistic approach to health and wellbeing.
  • The impact of leadership at all levels across the school.
  • The outstanding leadership of the headteacher.
  • A community which works together to inspire learners and shape their future.

Tony McDaid, Headteacher, said ‘As a school community, we are delighted with such a highly positive report. We believe it reflects the commitment, drive and creative approaches which are pursued to achieve the very best for all of our pupils.’

For further information click on the following link:


David Cameron on Creativity and Education

GTCS has published an article on creativity by Educationalist David Cameron, Director, The Real David Cameron Ltd. It is an expanded version of his TEDx presentation from Buenos Aires and acknowledges some of our achievements in Scotland from 2012.

Click on this link to read the article: http://bit.ly/shaping_the_inheritance

View David’s TEDx talk on the Creativity Portal:


Award winning Creative Conversations featured in TESS

Congratulations to Edinburgh CLN whose Creative Conversations programme was the winner in the Creative Approaches category of City of Edinburgh Children and Families Achievement Awards on 2 December.

Edinburgh’s latest Creative Conversation explored the  metaphorical side of innovation in schools and was reviewed in TESS: ‘Tsunami of change’ is coming

Lights, camera, action − young people get creative

The Creative Industries Conference for Young People brought together 90 senior students from South Ayrshire Council’s Belmont Academy, Carrick Academy, Girvan Academy, Kyle Academy, Prestwick and Queen Margaret Academy. Each student was specially selected to attend the conference as they are particularly interested in pursuing a career in the arts.

South Ayrshire Councillor Margaret Toner, Lifelong Learning Portfolio Holder said: “The conference was a great success and very beneficial to the students.

“It is important that we ensure that students who are artistic and are determined to have a career in the arts know the reality of how the industry works. I was particularly impressed with the way in which the students from the University of the West of Scotland passed on their knowledge and experience to our school students.

“We have a great reputation in this country for delivering high quality arts productions and I am positive that some of these students will achieve great things in the industry in the future.”

Students from the University of the West of Scotland delivered seminars and hands on workshops for delegates providing peer to peer mentoring through the day in a range of industry related themes, including film sound effects, radio and screen writing and theatre production.

A number of market place style displays enabled the school students to learn more about the arts and theatre companies, digital media and heritage organisations that exist locally and nationally.  These organisations offer direct support and opportunities for young people in creative industries.

A number of the students commented about their experience of attending the Creative Industries Conference:

Kyle Academy
Cameron Fong

‘Was a great opportunity to see the working environment of a University which gave us a great personal insight’

Jo-Anne Blacklock

‘I really enjoyed a first hand experience of the workings and procedures of the creative courses the University has to offer’

Queen Margaret Academy

Jaymee Galloway

‘Very interesting and exciting day.  Friendly and very nice building’

Prestwick Academy

Alicia Marshall

‘The conference today has opened my eyes to many courses and opportunities which I would not have learned about in school.’

Louise Wheeldon

‘Today was a great opportunity at trying new experiences I would never have had without the University of the West of Scotland.  It really showed me that there was more available to me than I know.’

Belmont Academy

Ruth Johnstone

‘I have enjoyed learning about the thought processes used by TV show creators.  I also was interested in the technology used by the UWS radio station and was impressed by how Radio Broadcasting students are required to do an hours show every week.’

Kathryn Hanna

Today has given me an insight into Uni life at UWS and informed me of courses that can be studied here which I haven’t seen offered at other Universities.   UWS seems to offer more diverse and practical courses which are geared a lot to preparing Scotland for jobs in their chosen industry.’

Girvan Academy

Mighel Espinosa

‘I found the visit really inspiring and intriguing.   It has really opened my eyes by offering opportunities close to home rather than traveling to universities in Edinburgh and Stirling.’

Caitlin Harvey

‘I found today really interesting and very informative.    It has shown me what is on offer on my doorstep instead of traveling far distances.   I now know what qualifications I need to get into my preferred course.’

The conference was funded by Education Scotland and Creative Scotland and is part the Creative Learning Network in South Ayrshire Council.

Creativity Exchange Fife: evaluation report

Creativity exchange fife #CXFife12 was delivered by Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) on Thursday 8 November 2012; approximately 120 participants attended.

The event was introduced by Fife Council’s Executive Director (Education and Learning) Ken Greer. It focused on creativity in learning, its impacts and benefits and showcased some of the excellent creative learning work being delivered in Fife within the context of Curriculum for Excellence.

To find out more about what took place and who took part, download the illustrated evaluation report here: Creativity Exchange Fife 2012 Final

Serious Play: The interface between creativity, play and learning

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Beach Ballroom, Beach Promenade, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR

Registration 9.30am; Conference 10.15am‐4.00pm

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning in a range of contexts.

The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice with a view to developing new ideas and further collaborations.

There will be a range of participatory activities as well as presentations to encourage interaction, learn from each other and stimulate new possibilities.

The keynote presenter is María de los Angéles González, better known in her country as `Chiqui ́Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture of the State Government of Santa Fe, Argentina.

Chiqui has combined her skills and experiences as a lawyer, teacher, artistic practitioner and Minister to champion shared family learning through cultural activity. This is most keenly realised in ‘El Tríptico de la Infancia,’ in Rosario and ‘El Tríptico de la Imaginacíon’ in Santa Fe; six cultural centres developed from abandoned and subsequently regenerated industrial and public spaces. Each centre has a different emphasis on family learning, invention, collective construction, sharing and creating stories and play.

For further information contact: CLN@aberdeencity.gov.uk or telephone 01224 814530. To book your free place please complete the attached booking form:

Booking Form -Serious Play

and email it to:


Creative Conversation – Monday 26 Nov – Laurie O’Donnell and Jim Elder

Blinded by the Light…….

Edinburgh’s second Creative Conversation of 2012/13 takes place on Monday 26 November, 4 for 4.30pm until 5.30pm followed by wine and canapes (venue to follow on confirmation of attendance).

The creative catalysts for this event are Laurie O’Donnell and Jim Elder, and the conversation is facilitated by David Cameron.

Creative Conversations are Edinburgh’s Creative Learning Network and aim to stimulate professional dialogue about creativity within Curriculum for Excellence.

Laurie O’Donnell is an independent consultant, adviser and visiting professor specialising in the space where learning, technology and innovation collide. His background is in secondary schools and local government advisory services. His last full-time role was as director of learning and technology at Learning and Teaching Scotland.

Jim Elder is an independent education consultant and technology implementation adviser. Jim’s background is in primary education, national education development and local authority quality improvement. His last full time role was with Apple as Senior Education Manager for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Download further information on the programme and contributors:

Jim Elder and Laurie O’Donnell prog and info

If you would like to attend, please respond to Linda Lees at: linda.lees@edinburgh.gov.uk