Category Archives: Learning Exchange

NCLN Meeting – 4,5 December, Aberdeen

CLN Coordinators from across Scotland will gather together in early December for a national network meeting in Aberdeen.

Serious Play – 4th December

The ‘Serious Play’ event provides an opportunity to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning with  professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning.

Keynote speaker Chiqui Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture, Santa Fe, Argentina will give a keynote presentation on her work, championing shared family learning through cultural activity.

The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice and to engage with a range of seminars and participatory activities.

During the day, NCLN members will meet with Joan Parr and Petrea Cooney from Creative Scotland for an update and conversation on the new Creative Learning Plan which is currently in development and will supersede the Education and the Arts, Culture and Creativity: An Action Plan.

Creativity and Self-Evaluation – 5th December

Ros Sutherland from City of Edinburgh Council will lead a session on self-evaluation and how we can use it to continually reflect on and improve our practice. Through conversation and practical activities the group will explore and discuss:

·      Is self-evaluation a bureaucratic process or can it be creative?

·      How can we keep things simple when self-evaluation frameworks seem so complicated?

·      What are we evaluating?

·      What forms can evidence take and how should it be presented to senior managers, funders, and target audiences?

·      Can the NCLN lead the way, demonstrating that self-evaluation and creativity do go together?

National Creative Learning Network

The NCLN is a community of practice which has a leadership role in championing and advocating creativity in both formal and informal learning contexts; it consists of the group of coordinators leading the CLN for each local authority.

Serious Play: The interface between creativity, play and learning

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Beach Ballroom, Beach Promenade, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR

Registration 9.30am; Conference 10.15am‐4.00pm

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning in a range of contexts.

The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice with a view to developing new ideas and further collaborations.

There will be a range of participatory activities as well as presentations to encourage interaction, learn from each other and stimulate new possibilities.

The keynote presenter is María de los Angéles González, better known in her country as `Chiqui ́Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture of the State Government of Santa Fe, Argentina.

Chiqui has combined her skills and experiences as a lawyer, teacher, artistic practitioner and Minister to champion shared family learning through cultural activity. This is most keenly realised in ‘El Tríptico de la Infancia,’ in Rosario and ‘El Tríptico de la Imaginacíon’ in Santa Fe; six cultural centres developed from abandoned and subsequently regenerated industrial and public spaces. Each centre has a different emphasis on family learning, invention, collective construction, sharing and creating stories and play.

For further information contact: or telephone 01224 814530. To book your free place please complete the attached booking form:

Booking Form -Serious Play

and email it to:

Ideas Exchange 2013

Imaginate is now inviting submissions for the next Ideas Exchange, in association with Tramway in February 2013.

The Ideas Exchange offers an excellent opportunity to try out ideas and receive peer feedback – if you have an idea for a performance piece for children and young people aged 0-18, we want to hear from you! Successful proposals may also be considered for further opportunities with Tramway – click here for full details and find out how to apply.

The closing date for submissions is Monday 3 December.

Launch of Re:Source New Shared Service

Scotland’s Colleges has launched Re:Source, a powerful new shared service for college staff.

Re:Source is a web-based service dedicated to enabling the open sharing of learning and teaching resources.  It will allow staff to easily find resources specific to the Scottish curriculum and to share materials that others may find useful.  It will also provide a single point of discovery to a wide range of resources from a variety of sources not previously shared through a national or open platform.

Re:Source is managed and supported by Scotland’s Colleges, SQA, the JISC Regional Support Centre Scotland and Education Scotland

New Glow Community for Expressive Arts Practitioners

A new professional learning community for Expressive Arts has just been started on Glow. The community will allow practitioners to engage in professional dialogue and share exciting and dynamic practice.

Use your Glow login to start sharing:

Dangerous Ideas for Education

Scotland’s Colleges’ Festival of Dangerous Ideas this June generated a huge amount of interest and discussion on how we create an education system that promotes imagination, creativity and innovation. Visit the website for an animated overview from Karen Lawson, Scotland’s Colleges, of festival highlights and key messages, and an account from Paul Gorman, Visible Fictions, of the Day of Danger, during which tutors from Kilmarnock and James Watt Colleges explored new approaches to engaging learners.

Following the success of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Scotland’s Colleges are responding to the request for support to put ‘ideas into action’.  Many participants at the festival said it was great to have time to generate ideas but how to you ensure they are developed, implemented and evaluated.  They are planning a series of events and activities that support creativity across the sector starting with a launch event on Tuesday 2 October 2012 at The Engine Shed, Edinburgh.

NCLN at SLF 2012

Members of the NCLN are contributing to this year’s Scottish Learning Festival – ‘Creative Learning…Creative Thinking’ – in a number of ways, whether presenting on creative initiatives or sharing Creative Learning Network news. The programme includes the following:

Seminar Programme

Creative Learners, Creative Thinkers, Creative Careers – Modern Apprentices and Student Councillor, Edinburgh

Showcasing Fife’s Creative Learning Network ­– Michelle Sweeney, Fife

What’s the Past got to do with us? – David Atherton, Aberdeenshire

Visit the SLF website to view the full seminar programme

Education Showcase

Arts and Culture as a Catalyst for Learning: The Aberdeen Arts Across Learning Festival – Jacky Hardare, Aberdeen City

Inspiring Creativity – Amy McLeod, Highland

Supporting Drama through Literacy – Learners with Mild to Severe and Complex Needs – Lesley Sloan, Dumfries & Galloway

Challenging Creativity Creatively – Linda Lees, Edinburgh

The Big Drum Experiment ­– Susanne Batchelor, Scottish Borders

Little Rabbit – Pauline Meikleham, Angus

Teachers Realising their Creative Potential – Jacky Hardacre, Aberdeen

Write a Song in 30 Minutes – Marco Rea, Stirling

To view the full Education Showcase programme click here

Eric Booth meets with NCLN

On 20th June, the NCLN was privileged to have an exclusive session with US education consultant Eric Booth, hosted by Creative Scotland in Edinburgh.

Eric’s presentation was inspirational, providing the stimulus for a lively discussion which continued long after his departure.

Click here to download summary notes from this event:  Eric Booth 200612

Click here to watch Eric’s keynote presentation at SLF 2010:

Mining history for great ideas

East Lothian has used some of its Creative Learning Networks funding to support a number of  Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. One of these KTPs has inspired a partnership project between local primary schools and Prestongrange mining museum. Pupils from two schools designed new products to solve some of the dangerous problems miners face and presented their ideas to each other in a Dragon’s Den style Glow Meet. To find out more, read Douglas Blane’s article in TESS.

Click here to find out more about East Lothian’s Creative Learning Network