All posts by J. Fenby

GIRFEC blog: nurturing our children and young people

GIRFEC board member Michelle Miller discusses why it’s important to nurture our young people:

Carole Patick from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations discusses the importance of helping children and young people to achieve their potential:

Ralph Roberts, Chief Executive of NHS Shetland, discusses the benefits of keeping children active:

CfE and Glow News

Education Scotland’s CfE and Glow News e-update provides you with updates on Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow:

Read the November issue of CfE and Glow News to find out about the following:

Curriculum for Excellence
National Qualifications – Professional Focus Papers now available
National Assessment Resource
Education Scotland’s Learning Blog – selection of posts
Education Scotland reports on the impact of staff qualifications on early years learning
Game On Scotland – the schools programme for 2014
Feedback on the RM Unify pilots
New interface for teaching staff accessing Glow – December 2012
ICT in Education Excellence Group – First thoughts discussion paper
Update on Glow and e-portfolios
Glow TV events coming up.

Opening up the Future: It’s your future

It’s my Future is a song created by children, young people and adult learners to express their views on how learning needs to change to fulfil their aspirations. It demonstrates what exciting modern learning can look like. Education Scotland wants to hear from children and young people across Scotland about their hopes and aspirations for the future.

On Tuesday 4 December at 11am Education Scotland hosted a national event at Inveralmond Community High School. The event, led by young people, aimed to help shape future developments in learning and teaching. A Glow TV session enabled children and young people to speak directly to Craig Munro, one of Education Scotland’s strategic directors, and share their views about learning and teaching. View this event on Glow TV Watch Again

Dumfries House Hosts Inaugural Ayrshire Artist Gathering

Stephen Kay, Education Officer for The Great Steward of Scotland’s Dumfries House said

“I was delighted to host the first Ayrshire Artist Networking Event at Dumfries House, organised by Helen Duncan and Jenny Hunter, Cultural Co-ordinators for East and South Ayrshire respectively, providing a venue for over fifty local artists and creative practitioners of various mediums and professionalisms to meet and highlight their individual areas of interest and expertise.”

After a short tour of the House by Charlotte Rostek, Curator of Dumfries House, a keynote speech was delivered by Mark Chester, Executive Director of The Princes Drawing School in London in support of art & culture locally and nationally, and whose foundation has recently opened artist studios on the Dumfries House estate.  This fantastic new facility will support art education throughout Ayrshire and beyond as part of the educational vision for Dumfries House through the support and involvement of “The Prince’s Drawing School”, “The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts”, “The Prince’s Foundation for Children and the Arts” and as a major part of His Royal Highness, The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay’s Heritage Regeneration programme.

Helen Duncan, Cultural Co-ordinator

“I was overwhelmed with the response – not only are these Ayrshire artists and makers producing their own work, but working with children and young people delivering high quality creative learning opportunities for schools.  This is essentially a business network for artists to connect, collaborate, share and support.”

Tom Wilson, local Visual Artist and runs Wild and West

“I know I’m not alone in thinking that the splendour of the house and the warmth of the welcome aside, this was an exciting and inspirational event at Dumfries House. The enthusiasm of the speakers for its development as a centre for cultural education and learning made me feel very lucky to have it on my doorstep.  It is a very healthy, holistic, imaginative vision, enabling art, culture and heritage to make a strong contribution to the regeneration and development of this area as a whole.  At a personal level I came away knowing that Dumfries House is genuinely keen to offer opportunities to local artists.”

The Sundancer, Ayrshire Singer/Songwriter

“The opportunity to deliver songwriting workshops at Dumfries House is fantastic – particularly as I was lucky to purchase my first guitar through a grant from The Princes’ Trust when I first started playing nearly 20 years ago.  I look forward to working with local young people at Dumfries House, sharing my knowledge and experience to give them support which I have received.”

Ruth Carslaw, Film-Maker

“As the event unfolded you could genuinely feel a shared sense of purpose and momentum – propelled by the great speakers, fellow artists and the building itself!   I left feeling that Dumfries House will become a creative hub for all – artists and communities alike.”

For further details or to be kept informed of future events, please contact or

‘Start’ funding for arts organisations to engage with schools

The Prince’s Foundation for Children and the Arts is inviting cultural institutions across the UK to apply to the Start programme.

Start is a grant-giving programme set up by The Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts to enable schoolchildren to experience the very best of the arts by introducing them to their local cultural venue.

Start provides funding and support to arts organisations to foster long-lasting relationships between arts venues and their local schools in deprived areas. At the heart of Start is our desire to make cultural venues accessible for a new generation.

Start partners with projects that work within the following broad framework to engage young people with all aspects of the arts:
·         Introducing young people to the arts;
·         Inspiring them to learn more;
·       Enhancing their experience through critical analysis and participation; and
·         Encouraging them to Create their own art.

Children and the Arts is looking to recruit new partners for the 2013/14 academic year.  We are seeking passionate and committed organisations to work with us to develop and deliver Start to primary and secondary school students in their local area.  Our aim, and that of our partners, is that pupils will develop the confidence and enthusiasm to continue their engagement with their local cultural venue beyond the life of the project.

Please read the application guidelines for arts partners before applying.
You can download the Stage 1 application form from this link or from our website.

The deadline for completed Stage One Applications is 5pm on Thursday 31st January.

For more information please visit

Dance Sector Review

Creative Scotland has published a review of the dance sector in Scotland. The review maps the huge developments in dance over the past 15 years but also highlights the vulnerabilities and gaps.

To find out more about the review, visit the Creative Scotland website.

To download the Executive Summary, full report and additional appendices, click on the following links:

Dance Sector Review – Executive Summary

Dance Sector Review – Report

Appendix 5 – Digest of Statistics

Appendix 6 – Report on the Dance Review Workshops

Creativity Exchange Fife: evaluation report

Creativity exchange fife #CXFife12 was delivered by Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) on Thursday 8 November 2012; approximately 120 participants attended.

The event was introduced by Fife Council’s Executive Director (Education and Learning) Ken Greer. It focused on creativity in learning, its impacts and benefits and showcased some of the excellent creative learning work being delivered in Fife within the context of Curriculum for Excellence.

To find out more about what took place and who took part, download the illustrated evaluation report here: Creativity Exchange Fife 2012 Final

NCLN Meeting – 4,5 December, Aberdeen

CLN Coordinators from across Scotland will gather together in early December for a national network meeting in Aberdeen.

Serious Play – 4th December

The ‘Serious Play’ event provides an opportunity to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning with  professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning.

Keynote speaker Chiqui Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture, Santa Fe, Argentina will give a keynote presentation on her work, championing shared family learning through cultural activity.

The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice and to engage with a range of seminars and participatory activities.

During the day, NCLN members will meet with Joan Parr and Petrea Cooney from Creative Scotland for an update and conversation on the new Creative Learning Plan which is currently in development and will supersede the Education and the Arts, Culture and Creativity: An Action Plan.

Creativity and Self-Evaluation – 5th December

Ros Sutherland from City of Edinburgh Council will lead a session on self-evaluation and how we can use it to continually reflect on and improve our practice. Through conversation and practical activities the group will explore and discuss:

·      Is self-evaluation a bureaucratic process or can it be creative?

·      How can we keep things simple when self-evaluation frameworks seem so complicated?

·      What are we evaluating?

·      What forms can evidence take and how should it be presented to senior managers, funders, and target audiences?

·      Can the NCLN lead the way, demonstrating that self-evaluation and creativity do go together?

National Creative Learning Network

The NCLN is a community of practice which has a leadership role in championing and advocating creativity in both formal and informal learning contexts; it consists of the group of coordinators leading the CLN for each local authority.

Serious Play: The interface between creativity, play and learning

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Beach Ballroom, Beach Promenade, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR

Registration 9.30am; Conference 10.15am‐4.00pm

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning in a range of contexts.

The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice with a view to developing new ideas and further collaborations.

There will be a range of participatory activities as well as presentations to encourage interaction, learn from each other and stimulate new possibilities.

The keynote presenter is María de los Angéles González, better known in her country as `Chiqui ́Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture of the State Government of Santa Fe, Argentina.

Chiqui has combined her skills and experiences as a lawyer, teacher, artistic practitioner and Minister to champion shared family learning through cultural activity. This is most keenly realised in ‘El Tríptico de la Infancia,’ in Rosario and ‘El Tríptico de la Imaginacíon’ in Santa Fe; six cultural centres developed from abandoned and subsequently regenerated industrial and public spaces. Each centre has a different emphasis on family learning, invention, collective construction, sharing and creating stories and play.

For further information contact: or telephone 01224 814530. To book your free place please complete the attached booking form:

Booking Form -Serious Play

and email it to:

Creative Conversation – Monday 26 Nov – Laurie O’Donnell and Jim Elder

Blinded by the Light…….

Edinburgh’s second Creative Conversation of 2012/13 takes place on Monday 26 November, 4 for 4.30pm until 5.30pm followed by wine and canapes (venue to follow on confirmation of attendance).

The creative catalysts for this event are Laurie O’Donnell and Jim Elder, and the conversation is facilitated by David Cameron.

Creative Conversations are Edinburgh’s Creative Learning Network and aim to stimulate professional dialogue about creativity within Curriculum for Excellence.

Laurie O’Donnell is an independent consultant, adviser and visiting professor specialising in the space where learning, technology and innovation collide. His background is in secondary schools and local government advisory services. His last full-time role was as director of learning and technology at Learning and Teaching Scotland.

Jim Elder is an independent education consultant and technology implementation adviser. Jim’s background is in primary education, national education development and local authority quality improvement. His last full time role was with Apple as Senior Education Manager for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Download further information on the programme and contributors:

Jim Elder and Laurie O’Donnell prog and info

If you would like to attend, please respond to Linda Lees at: