Tag Archives: Communication

Dates for the Diary

Dates for the diary

Wednesday 10th May

6-7pm Parent Workshop – online safety NSPCC (sign up on Parentpay)

Monday 15th May

P7 Residential trip to Galloway (15-19 May)

Thursday 25th May


Friday 26th May


Monday 29th May


Thursday 1st June

P7 Hillpark Induction day

Friday 2nd June

P7 Hillpark Induction day

Saturday 3rd June

PA Summer Fair 10-12

Friday 9th June

Sports day (details to follow)

Wednesday 14th June

P7 Leavers’ Assembly @ Cathcart Trinity Church 10am (details to follow)

Thursday 15th June

P7 Leavers’ Ceilidh 7-8.30pm (details to follow)

Friday 23rd June

School closes at 1pm for the Summer holidays.