Back to school for P4-7

Back to School Information – School Uniform Appeal


We are really looking forward to welcoming the P4-7 pupils back to school on Monday 15th March. It has been such a long time since they have been in school and I am sure we will be surprised by how much they have grown in the last few months. Unfortunately this may also mean they have grown out of their school uniform!

School uniform is in high demand just now and may be difficult to get due to limited supply. If you have any school uniform polo shirts, trousers, jumpers, socks etc that your child has grown out of, we will gratefully receive any donations. This may help other families and also provide us with spare clothes for use in school. We are particularly short of socks and boys’ trousers.

Donations of school uniform can be handed into the school office. Although we do encourage the wearing of school uniform, we do appreciate that in the current circumstances this may be challenging.

If your child has grown out of their uniform and it is not possible to replace at the moment, please don’t worry. If you don’t have suitable uniform at the moment, please make sure they are dressed warmly and appropriately for school and being outdoors.

Colette Haddock

Return of P4-7 Pupils

P4-7 Pupils Return 15th March 


Dear Parents,

Please find a letter from the Director of Education with the latest school update for parents here

I am pleased to inform you that Breakfast Club will resume service from 15th March. Please contact the school office for information about payments if you haven’t already done so.

After school care services will also resume on 15th March.

Let’s hope that this is another step in the right direction back to normal life!

Kind regards,

Colette Haddock

Schools update – January 2021

Schools update – January 2021

Please find attached a letter from the Director of Education with information about the return to school for pupils in January.

Director of Education 22nd Dec update

On Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January we will be open to offer childcare to the children of keyworkers only.

Keyworker Clarification

Where a parent is able to work from home then they should do so and support their child’s learning. Parents and carers should be aware that other family members, such as grandparents can provide childcare. 


  •  Health and Care workers directly supporting COVID response, and associated staff; Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work, as well as critical primary and community care provision; Energy suppliers (small numbers identified as top priority already); staff providing childcare/learning. 
  • All other Health and Care workers, and wider public sector workers providing emergency/critical welfare services (for example: fire, police, prisons, social workers), as well as those supporting our Critical National Infrastructure, without whom serious damage to the welfare of the people of Scotland could be caused. 
  • All workers (private, public or third sector) without whom there could be a significant impact on Scotland (but where the response to COVID-19, or the ability to perform essential tasks to keep the country running, would not be severely compromised). 

These are the Scottish Government definitions issued in March 2020. 

All other children will effectively have an extended holiday until 11 January 2021.  Please note that where a parent is able to work from home then they should do so and support their child’s learning.  Parents and carers should also be aware that other family members, such as grandparents can provide childcare.

From Monday 11th January, learning will be online for pupils. Further information about this will be provided when we return to school.

We sincerely hope that these measures are going to be short term in an effort to reduce the transmission of the virus and keep everyone safe. I thank you again for your patience and understanding during these difficult times.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday.

Take care and stay safe,

Colette Haddock

Head Teacher

December Information

Parent Information for December

I am sure you will have noticed that Merrylee is looking very festive both inside and out! I hope you have had the chance to see Miss Kirk’s video showcasing many of the Winter Wonderland decorations. Grateful thanks to all who were involved in this project. It has been a huge joint effort with so many of you getting involved. It has certainly given us a lot to smile about, spreading happiness and joy to all!

If you haven’t had a chance to look at the video, have a look on our Merrylee YouTube Channel, and please subscribe while you’re there!

YouTube player

Below are a few updates and reminders of upcoming events:

Pupils will have the chance to enjoy an online pantomime production in their classrooms this week. Although it is not quite the same as a trip to the theatre, I am sure they will enjoy all the fun and panto jokes! Oh yes they will! ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ online panto will be available for the whole school this week. P1 & P2 classes will also be able to watch the online production of ‘White.’ Over 100,000 worldwide audience members have fallen in love with this magical, highly visual show for P1-P2. Treats (popcorn and funsize chocolate) and drinks will be provided. If you would prefer to provide an alternative treat for your child, please let me or the class teacher know. Many thanks to the fundraising efforts of the PA for providing the funds for this.

A few other dates for December

Parent Council Meeting – Monday 7 December

(please email the PC if you would like details about how to join the meeting at

Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 9 December
Parent Association meeting – Wednesday 9 December
Flu Vaccinations – Thursday 10th December
Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 11 December

Children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper on Friday to support the Save the Children campaign. The school will make a donation to the Save the Children from the school fund so there is no need for any further donations.

Glasgow Times Toy Bank Appeal

many thanks to P6a for organising this campaign. You should have received a bag inside a copy of the Glasgow Times last week. If you have any unused or toys in good condition that you no longer want, please pop them in the bag and return to school by Thursday 10th December. P6a will collect all donations for uplift at the end of the week. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.

Christmas card reminder

May I respectfully request that children do not bring in cards to exchange with their friends this year? While we appreciate the risks of transmission through this kind of contact is low, we don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.

Many thanks as always for your continued support.

Stay safe and take care.

Colette Haddock

Merrylee Primary School Website

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